When you live in an apartment, you get to see a lot of your neighbors. It just sort of comes with the territory. After all, you’re already sharing walls, yards, and/or parking spaces; sharing a little bit of time just makes sense. However, given the sometimes unpredictable nature of rental-life, it can be easy to miss a chance to get to know new residents when they first arrive. And, if you let that initial opportunity pass, you may well end up facing many an awkward silence in passing as you and your neighbor both struggle to find something appropriately friendly with which to start a conversation.
And the sad truth is that many of us never get to know our neighbors. Sure, we know who leaves their music turned up too loud late at night, or who is smoking indoors in violation of the rental agreement, but when it comes to the positive factors—such as individual names and histories—we tend to remain willingly ignorant. In fact, 28% of Americans know none of the names of their neighbors—that’s over a fourth of the population!
In a way, this is completely understandable. After all, we don’t want to intrude where we may not be wanted. However, when appartment-neighbor relationships decline, local crime increases, arguments and confrontations between residents become more prevalent, and the community’s ability to work towards a common goal suffers. But, as important as it is to get to know your neighbors, there is still the problem of not wanting to be a nuisance. So, the question is this: How do you extend the hand of friendship, without coming off as being too forward?
Well, how about cookies?
Baking a plate of cookies for a new neighbor is a nice, non-invasive way to show that you care. But how do you go about doing it? Here are five easy ways to give the gift of baked goods to those who share your complex, and, just to make the gift a bit more personal, we’ve included five DIY cookie container options as well. Just remember: There are those with allergies to certain foods; make sure to give your recipient a detailed list of the cookie ingredients, so that you don’t inadvertently cause them to have an allergic reaction to your gift of goodwill.
1. The doorbell ditch
Generally, people don’t like having to get up to answer the door. This goes double for when, upon opening the door and looking outside, there is absolutely no one there. Ringing someone’s doorbell and then fleeing before the occupant can answer is called ‘doorbell ditching,’ and it has been a favorite pastime of children and teens dating back to 19th century England. One the other hand, should the occupant discover a batch of cookies waiting for them on their doorstep, then suddenly things become a bit more enjoyable. Just make sure that you have things fully planned out before you commit yourself to the doorbell ditch cookie-delivery; do some research on your intended recipient and make sure that they don’t have any mobility-related disabilities, as being forced to answer the door—even to get free cookies—could be a painful experience for them. Also, plan your escape route, because if you can’t get clear before that door opens, you’ll be stuck having to awkwardly explain your intentions.
DIY container idea: the wrapped Pringles can
Most cookies are the perfect size (and stackable shape) to fit into an empty pringles can. Take advantage of this coincidence by turning your old stackable-chip cans into DIY cookie gift boxes. All you need is an old pringles can (thoroughly washed of any chip residue), some decorative cardstock paper, glue, and ribbon. Cut the cardstock the right size, and glue it to the outside of the pringles can. Then wrap the can in the ribbon, for the perfect fun and easy cookie container.
2. The telegram
When was the last time you got a telegram? Have you ever gotten a telegram? With the significant advancements made in communication technologies over the last half-century or so, the telegram has become something of a relic. As such, receiving a telegram can make someone feel special. Of course, the basic telegram has nothing to do with delivering cookies. A ‘cookiegram,’ on the other hand, such as those offered by various internet businesses, may be the perfect variation on the theme. You simply contact the company, choose which cookies you want to have delivered, and then have them take care of the rest. You can even include a special note so that the neighbors know who’s responsible. The downside is that you won’t be able to have your own, homemade cookies delivered. The upside is that you won’t have to rely on your own ability to bake cookies, which for many of us, is definitely a plus.
DIY container idea: the coffee mug
Some of the best container ideas involve giving containers that themselves double as gifts. Take the coffee mug, for example. A large, decorative coffee mug, filled with homemade cookies, and wrapped in a cello bag (topped with a ribbon or a bow) is a gift that gives twice: once when the recipient eats the cookies, and again when they use the mug to wash it all down.
3. The “accidental” encounter
OK, so you don’t want to have to corner anyone in their own home. But how do you feel about cornering them someplace else? A lot of people are far more comfortable with unexpected social interaction when it occurs while they are out and about. This means that if you can run into someone while they’re on their way to the car, or coming home from work, or waiting for a load of clothes to finish in the laundry room, then you may have a better chance of laying the foundation for lasting friendship (or at least a lasting acquaintanceship). Of course, in order to catch someone while they’re away from their apartment, you need to do a little bit of preparation work. This means either that you bake some cookies, and then keep them with you in the hopes of meeting the intended recipient throughout the course of the day, or that you try to learn the intended recipient’s basic schedule. We’re not advocating that you spy on them, or that you do anything illegal or creepy, but if you notice that they always leave for work at a specific time, or that they always check their mailbox right before dinner, then you can make a point of ‘accidentally’ running into them at these times. Just tell them that you were already on your way to drop off some cookies for them…
DIY container idea: the decorated box
They say that there is no greater gift than the gift of one’s own talents. Well, if you have the artistic talent (or even just a willingness to try) you can make a lovely cookie container that will show your neighbor just how how thoughtful you are. All you need are a basic carryout box (such as those found at bakeries), some solid-color wrapping paper, and some basic craft supplies (Sharpie markers, glitter, glue, etc.). Place the cookies in the box, and then wrap the box in the wrapping paper. Here’s where the creativity comes in: Use the markers and other craft supplies to decorate the paper in a fun and unique way. Let your imagination run wild, and see just how beautiful you can make it.
4. The car drop
As we’ve touched upon earlier in this article, sometimes uninvited apartment visitors are anything but welcome. But how about a car visitor? If you know which car your recipient drives, then you can always take a lot of the social pressure off of the encounter by leaving the cookies (along with a nice note) on the hood of the vehicle. The recipient will see the cookies the next time they get in their car, and you won’t have to make them feel cornered. There are, however, a few things to keep in mind before you decide to commit to a car drop. First, make sure that the cookies are very visible. You don’t want to spend the time baking the cookies only to have them slide off onto the asphalt once the car gets moving. Second, be aware that delicious cookies sitting unprotected for any length of time may end up going missing, so you’ll want to make the drop as close to the time that your recipient will be going to the car as possible. Lastly, recognize that some people are fiercely protective of their automobiles, and may be offended by the idea of a stranger touching them. As such, you take a chance of alienating your neighbor when you leave cookies on their car.
DIY container idea: the wine bag
Wrapping your cookies in paper is nice; wrapping them in cloth is fancy. Canvas or cloth wine bags are perfectly shaped to hold a stack of cookies, and to do so with style. Just tie the top of the bag with a nice ribbon, and maybe add a small gift tag featuring a short, handwritten note.
5. The visit
When all else fails, you can always just give up on the charades, and instead take the direct approach: bake some cookies, ring your neighbor’s doorbell, and make their acquaintance the old fashioned way. Yeah, it may feel a little awkward just dropping by uninvited, but if you keep smiling, and you let your neighbor know that you’d just like to say ‘hi’ and drop off a quick gift, then there’s no sane reason why anyone should end up feeling offended.
DIY container idea: the baking tray
If you’re particularly proud of your cookie recipe, why not share it along with the cookies? Purchase a large baking tray (don’t use the same one you baked your cookies on), some nice cardstock/stationery, and some plastic wrap. Print or write-out your recipe on the cardstock, and then have that cardstock laminated. Place the laminated recipe on the baking tray, and then place the cookies on top of it. Wrap cookies, recipe, and tray in plastic wrap, and then deliver. Not only will your neighbor enjoy the cookies, but he or she will also have the opportunity to use their new baking tray and your recipe to make a batch of their own!
5 Easy Ways to Present Cookies to New Neighbors
Apartment Living
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