Congrats! The ink is dry on your lease, and you’re ready to move into your first apartment. Don’t make the rookie mistake of forgetting these apartment essentials — with proper planning, you can even scoop them up on sale and save the money for something more exciting, like your first big get-together to celebrate your new digs!
Command Hooks
What did we do before Command hooks? These gems adhere easily to the wall and come off cleanly, making the hanging of frames, posters and hooks a snap. Use the hooks to add hanging storage where you need it for potholders, dish towels and bathroom towels.
Trash Cans
You’ll want a good heavy-duty can for the kitchen since it will get a lot of use and then one for each bathroom and bedroom/office area. I like to splurge on the kitchen can and save my money for cheapies from The Dollar Store or IKEA for the other rooms. Hint: Spiff up trash cans with spray paint if you’d like to switch the color.
Spare Keys
Don’t be caught without a spare! When you get handed your keys, head out and make a copy or two so you’re never locked out. I like to add a plastic identifier to the front door key as well so I always know which one to use.
Laundry Baskets
Yes, you’ll need them for laundry, but I’ve also found baskets helpful for sorting, cleaning out and moving things from room to room. Grab a couple that easily nest inside one another to save space!
Extension Cords and Plugs
This may be your first apartment, but it might not be your last. Extension cords are a good investment to help deal with outlets placed in the wrong spot. Need a light next to your bed but the outlet’s on the other wall? Extension cord to the rescue! I’ve also found wall plugs with USB adapters to be extremely helpful when dealing with all the technology that needs to be charged: cell phones, iPads, you name it; this charges it.
Storage Bins
Maybe you’re lucky and have tons of storage in your new place, but if you’re like most renters, storage is at a premium. Large plastic storage bins are a lifesaver when trying to cram your items into small spaces. Use them for holiday decorations, off-season clothing, mementos and anything else you don’t use on a regular basis.
TIP: When purchasing bins, try to stick to one (non-trendy) color! That way they’ll match as you add on down the road, and you won’t end up with bins that clash.
You never know when the electricity might go on the fritz or you’ll need to flip a blown fuse in the dark. Flashlights really come in handy, and it’s something you’ll always want to have on hand. I like to stash them all over, just in case: in the kitchen, bedroom, guest bedroom and hallway closet. Or buy the kind that plug right into an outlet; that way it’ll always be charged and easy to find!
Cordless Drill
This is one of those investments you’ll use down the road, so you might as well splurge now. Use it for putting together furniture, hanging items on the walls (if allowed) and DIY projects along the way.
Fire Extinguisher
Some apartments provide them, but if not, this is a must. Fires can rage out of control in seconds, so having one in the kitchen is imperative. Hopefully you’ll never need it, but if you do, you will never regret purchasing this item!
Now that you’re stocked and ready to move into your new apartment, make sure you’re not making any of these common mistakes for new renters. Buckle up; living on your own is a great adventure, and now that you’re well prepared, it’s time to enjoy the ride!
9 Essentials You Shouldn't Forget for Your New Apartment
Apartment Living

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