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5 Tips for Preparing for a Big Move

Apartment Hunting

Moving into a new place can be a huge undertaking! Trust me, I know! I moved into my new home a month ago, and I’m still in the throws of getting settled in!

Since this experience is so “top of mind” for me, I’m starting a new series of posts that focus on the ins and outs of moving!

In this first installment, I’d like to share with you a few things that you can do BEFORE you pack the first box, to ensure that the actual move out and move-in is a breeze!

#1. Research what needs to be done for the move out



Do you need to switch off utilities and have new services turned on in your new digs? How will you move your items? If you are hiring a moving company to help you out, have you checked out the reviews to make sure you are hiring a reputable company? Do you need to prepare for an overlap? In other words, do you need to be out of your current place before the new place is ready? If so, where will you stay in the interim? Also, be sure to check out the ForRent.com Moving Checklist for more help!

#2. Create a timeline


Based on when you need to move out, back track your dates, and build a timeline that includes all of the big tasks that need to be completed before you can even pack the first box. This is not the time to procrastinate! Moving can be stressful enough; give yourself the best chance for success by making time to do it right.

#3. Create a detailed plan


Will you do all the packing yourself or will you enlist the help of a few friends? If so, have you considered planning a packing party? Better yet, pick a few dates and times and let friends sign up for a time that is convenient for them. How many boxes will you need? Do you have tape, permanent markers and bubble wrap? Gather all of your packing apparatus and organize it before the packing party so that filling the boxes will be a breeze.

#4. Enlist help

If you didn’t get the hint in the tip above, you will need help on this massive project – unless you’ve got a six-month lead time and want to pack a box a week until the big moving day! Ask reliable friends to help you and be sure to show them your appreciation by providing snacks and drinks or getting them a gift card for a cup of coffee.

#5. Create a plan for the move-in (repeat steps 2-4)

You’ve got a solid plan for moving OUT of the old place. Now, it’s time to rinse and repeat! Revamp steps 3 and 4 to figure out a plan for the move IN to the new place. Enlist a group of friends to help you unpack and maybe even help you place and organize the items in your new home. Locate the nearest takeout restaurant, and plan to enjoy a celebratory dinner after the unpacking is done.

Create a plan for how you will dispose of the boxes and moving debris, and also schedule the Salvation Army or Goodwill to pick up the items you know you need to purge before you pack.

I hope you’ve found these tips to be helpful! Check back in soon for the next installment of this series, where I’ll give you my top tips for actually packing those boxes in a way that will take the headache out of unpacking them!
