Going off to college can be a little scary, especially when you don’t know anyone. Don’t get discouraged just yet! College is the time to start fresh and experience new opportunities, including new friends. If you’re coming in as a freshman, don’t panic. Everyone is in the same boat as you. Here are some ways you can meet new people and make lifetime friendships!
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@ForRentU”]It can be overwhelming meeting new #friends while in #college. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! [/tweetthis]
Dorms: If you are planning on living in a dorm, this is your biggest opportunity to meet new people! Dorms are filled with other students just like you and are looking for friends. Get to know your neighbors, or if you’re sharing a room, create a friendship with your roommate. Make sure to introduce yourself to all your neighbors to get to know everyone. Keep your door open when you’re home and stay in the loop with everyone. Soon you will start to get know people and make after class and weekend plans before you know it.
Study groups: You are going to face tough classes here and there, at any stage in your college education. Most students look to form study groups to prepare for exams and collaborate on assignments. Not only is forming a study group a great way to help stay on track with your classes, but it helps you stay on track with forming friendships with other students.
Get involved on-campus: There are so many different options to get involved with students on campus! Join a club, sports team, or even go greek! Joining a fraternity or sorority is a great way to meet new people because not only will it help create lifelong friendships, but is a helpful way to form business networks after graduation! Each fraternity or sorority has its own philanthropic interests, where you will be able to host charity fundraisers and awareness events for your philanthropy. If the greek life isn’t for you, don’t worry. There are several different clubs and activities that have the same benefits. So, all you need to do is get out there and find what’s best for you.
Attend events: Go to events like sporting games, concerts, and other on-campus events. Sporting games like such as football and basketball are the most popular events to attend. There are a ton of people to mingle with and you get to watch your school play at the same time! What’s better than that? It’s a great opportunity to meet up with your new friends and have fun on a Friday night!
Whether you’re getting a job, joining a club, or attending on-campus events, at the end of the day, the best way to meet new friends is get up and go out! You aren’t going to make friends by sitting in your room all day. Getting out there will always increase your chances of gaining new friends even if it means just going to the gym. Just remember to be yourself and be open to brand new friendships!
How To Make Friends While In College
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