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What You Need Before You Apply for an Apartment

Apartment Hunting

Whether you’re applying for your first or tenth apartment, there always seems to be something you forgot for the application process. Here is a checklist for your reference to help you remember during this chaotic time!

1. Pay an Application Fee

Application fees are normal and are usually used to cover the cost of a credit and a background check; also these fees are usually between $25 and $50.

2. Show Employment Verification

This is a part of almost all apartment applications and it proves you have a steady income. Be prepared to show a few pay stubs which may be part of the employment verification process and illustrates that the rent won’t be more than 25%-30% of your income.


3. Know your Social Security Number

Don’t let it come as a surprise when the leasing consultant asks for your social security number; this is a part of the application process as they verify employment and credit information.

4. Have a List of Residents

This is very important because apartment managers need to know how many people are living in the apartment and know who to collect rent from. Additional individuals may be required to sign a separate lease or the main lease for legal purposes (signed contract).

5. Know your Vehicle Information

Some apartments require you to register your vehicles; if this is the case you will likely have a parking tag you will place on your car.

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