Are you planning a trip? Try our packing tips and tricks to have a more organized suitcase. Frustrated by jewelry that tangles? Need more room in your case? We have tricks for both of these cases and more. You probably have everything on hand that you need to get more organized when you travel.
We are starting with tips and tricks for packaging your jewelry when traveling.
First for earrings, add them to a large button to prevent them from getting lost in transit. This will keep them neat and ready to wear. Just put through the button holes and add the backs to the earrings. Drop the button with the earrings into a small zippered pouch for traveling.
Next for those pesky necklaces and bracelets that constantly get tangled in a regular bag. The trick is to put them between two sheets of press and seal wrap. Remove one sheet, add your necklaces, add a sheet on top, and press all around each piece of jewelry. This keeps everything separated and prevents any tangling during your travels. Roll up the sheets and add to a bag in your suitcase. Then just pull apart the sheets when you get to your hotel and your necklaces will be perfect and ready to wear.
You may also want to save room in your suitcase. The number one way to do that is to roll all of your clothes. This will help them to take up less space when added to your bag. This is the perfect way to fit as much in that carry on as possible. This is a great way to save money when traveling as well. The fewer checked bags on the airline, the less money you will spend overall. The best part of this method is it also prevents wrinkling. No more ironing when you get to your destination.
Once your clothes are rolled, you can organize your pack by adding them to individual gallon sized zip top bags. Add everything you will need for the day to each bag and write on the day of the week if desired. Then when you are on your trip, just grab a bag for each day and everything you need will be inside.
[tweetthis]Ready For A #Trip? Time To Start Packing? Follow These #Tips And #Tricks To Get Yourself Organized![/tweetthis]
The only exception to adding your clothes to the bag is your socks. If you are taking an extra pair of shoes, this is the perfect place to stash your socks. This saves space in your suitcase but it also ensures that your shoes don’t get damaged. There is nothing worse than shoes that are crushed in your suitcase!
Try these packing tips and tricks the next time you travel. Get a more organized suitcase in minutes and arrive in style. Before you leave, however, be sure to consider these items around your home. Now, do you have any tried and trick packing tips and tricks that you use when traveling? We would love to hear about them!
5 Packing Tips and Tricks
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