Look at you, you’ve got your own place. You are killing it, my friend. Adulting hasn’t got a thing on you.
Now that you’ve got your own place, there are some things that you have to have in it. I have no doubts that you’ve already got a ton of wall decor and accessories around the place to make it your ~own~.
However, there are a few other things that you need to have in your new pad that you might not have thought about.
Look, it may seem obvious, but it doesn’t always come to mind first when moving into a new place. You’re bound to make messes so be prepared.
Batteries/Light Bulbs
You’re gonna need these things like crazy. Batteries aren’t the first thing you think of when moving so make sure to put these (and light bulbs cause ya know, they’re important) on your list.
Iron/Ironing Board
This may not seem like a necessity but this is something that sets the kids apart from the adults. You’re going to have interviews and meetings and what not and if your clothes are wrinkled, you’re going to wish you had it.
Coffee Pot/Keurig
This has probably already been on your list of things you need, but if it hasn’t, here is a helpful reminder.
Storage containers/Tupperware
Probably doesn’t seem like a total necessity, but it will definitely come in handy when you ~successfully~ make a home cooked meal and then need to save the leftovers.