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5 Tips to Organizing Your Office

Apartment Living

Hi my rental living friends! I hope last weeks post gave you some good ideas to jazz up your rental bathroom. This week, we’re moving on to the office, AKA cluttered desk in the corner of your living room or bedroom. If you’re new here, I’m Jamie, I blog over at C.R.A.F.T. and I’ve lived in numerous rentals, most recently this south Florida apartment. I’m here to tell you, you can make your rental cute and organized, and get this… you can do it on a budget. True story!
We’re tackling the desk/ office nook today. In a rental, the trick is to buy/make things that are super easy to take down, pack up, and move to the next spot.
Tip 1. Magazine files: I know, I know… they are called magazine files, but you can file any papers/ spirals/ folders, I promise. Since I work from home, these were a life safer. Here are some inexpensive, pretty magazine files that could be used on Amazon. Give one to each member of the family or divide them up just for you! I’d like a few more labeled: “Scan me, please” and “Pay me, now” for documents that need to be scanned into my NeatDesk and bills and tickets I need to pay.

Jamie Dorobek CRAFT
Tip 2. Wall pockets: If you need to save desk space, wall pockets work wonders. These wall pockets come with adhesive strips that can stick to your wall or you can use tacks. I don’t recommend them for books or magazine, but for paper these suckers are greatness. Also, instead of using the adhesive strip that comes with the pocket, I always use Command picture hanging strips because they will not tear paint off of your wall, and I want my deposit back, ha!
Creating Really Awesome Free Things
Tip 3. Labels: I’m a label maniac. It ensure that everyone in the house is clear as to where things go. No excuses! I like chalkboard labels because they’re cute and changeable! Go ahead, stick ’em on everything.

organize your rental
Tip 4. Closet turned office: According to the Los Angeles Times, pocket offices are trendy. That’s great news for renters! If you have a free closet, add a desk! In a rental, I would try and utilize the hanging space with something like a shoe organizer to vertically hang things like scissors, tape, stapler, and pens. Taking the closet doors down will give you more space too. But, don’t just go ripping the doors out, please, please ask. You want that deposit back, don’t ya? So far in my rental experience, the landlord has kindly removed the doors for me (for example, in my FL closet).
Organize a rental
Tip 5. Pictures and cute stuff: We all need a little fun when working in the office, and let’s face it, you don;t want everything filed away where you can’t see it! I’ve got a few good rental solutions for that. 1) Glass top on your desk: You can see in the pictures above, I bought a piece of glass to cover my desk. It’s basically a giant picture frame and it protects the paint job! 2) Framed web: (See pic below) It’s easy to make. All you need is a frame and yarn. Add pictures, instant cuteness, and clear up your desk space. 3) DIY cork board: Fill any frame with wine corks for an instant cork board. Lean the cork board up against the wall or use Command picture hanging strips!
Creating Really Awesome Free Things
And there you have it, 5 simple tips to make take control of your desk and even make it fun. I’ll be here next Monday to show you the power of the wire shelf, and why I love them so much. Here’s a little hint.
Jamie Dorobek CRAFT

Creating Really Awesome Free Things

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