Whether you’re moving to a smaller place or just trying to declutter your current pad, downsizing your possessions can be a daunting task. It’s all too easy to let our collections of knickknacks and old clothes build up until the closet is overflowing. And if you’re looking to find a new place, all that stuff can feel like a weight around your neck. Luckily, there are several easy ways to downsize your home quickly — and without too much heartache.
1. Plan Ahead
If you’re moving, start thinking about downsizing a few months before your actual move. Don’t try to tackle your whole apartment at once. It’ll be overwhelming, and you’ll become discouraged long before you start making any headway into your mounds of clutter. Instead, downsize your home room by room. Start somewhere neutral like the kitchen, and then fan out into spaces that may have more sentimental value.
2. Make Lists
Divide your possessions in each room into three lists: things you absolutely need, things you would replace and things you’d forget about. Imagine coming home to find that your apartment had been completely emptied out. What would you replace immediately? What would you replace in a couple of months? What would you forget about before the insurance check cleared? Write these lists down and use them as a guide while you’re sorting through your belongings.
3. Destroy Your “Maybe” Pile
Once you really start getting into the nitty-gritty of your downsizing project, you may notice a large gray area growing in the middle of your floor. If your maybe pile is getting out of hand, take a couple of minutes to rummage back through it. Frame your decisions as yes or no questions: Do you really need that third spatula? Do you still own the flip phone that went with that charger? Chances are the answer is no — and if that’s the case, get rid of it.
4. Use Your Space
If you’re moving to a new space, use it as a guide for what you keep and what you don’t. If you can, take measurements of things like counter and closet space. Make diagrams and guide yourself through your downsizing based on what will actually fit in your new space. If you’re unable to take measurements, try to judge the size of your new space based on rooms in your current home. If your new bedroom is as big as your current bathroom, use that as a guide when deciding what to keep and what not to.
5. Cultivate Your Collection
Collectors have it the worst when it comes to downsizing. If you’re struggling to find space for your sprawling vinyl or book collection, or debating over which snow globes to keep, take some time to really audit your collectibles. Which pieces have the most sentimental value? Which ones have the highest market value? Consider selling some pieces, especially if you have duplicates, and think of this downsizing project as a way to cultivate your collections. Consider this: Most museums don’t have every single piece of art ever made, but instead choose to display only the best and brightest. Do the same with your collection.
6. Sell What You Don’t Need
Everyone likes having a little extra money, and downsizing your home can be the perfect time to make some extra cash. Host a yard sale, make use of resources like Craigslist or donate unwanted items. Not only will you effectively and quickly downsize your possessions, but making some money off them will help ease the pain of letting your things go. What’s better: a closet full of junk or $300?
7. Get Mean
At the end of the day, you’re getting rid of stuff, plain and simple. If you’ve set a goal to downsize your possessions, be ruthless about what you let into your space. This doesn’t mean you have to live with only a spoon and a white T-shirt for the rest of your life, but being tough on yourself when downsizing will pay off in the long run. Use your downsizing project as a way to really declutter and de-stress your life. You’ll be happy you did.
Moving and downsizing your possessions can be a hassle, but once you get started, you may find that you’re really enjoying yourself. Want to take it a step further? Think about how your digital addiction may be creating extra clutter in your life – from DVDs to cable boxes. If you decide to cut the cord, you may be surprised at how much space and money you’re able to free up.
7 Quick Ways to Downsize Your Apartment
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