Ample light is usually high on the wish list of many people looking for the ideal rental space. Not only does natural light lead to improved mood and better aesthetics, but added light can also make tight quarters feel more open and spacious. Despite your desires, however, you may find yourself in a rental with less-than-ideal natural light, as well as few and poor overhead lighting options. Don’t settle for living in darkness; instead, use one (or more!) of these tricks for adding more light to your rental space!
Take Advantage of Incoming Light
To maximize the amount of light coming into your space, take advantage of whatever windows you do have, no matter the size or shape. If possible, leave a large portion of the window exposed. Most rental units come with blinds that can easily be adjusted for lighting control and privacy, allowing you to incorporate window treatments that are purely decorative. If your rental doesn’t have blinds, they are inexpensive and easy to install yourself!
One of the best ways to maximize the light coming in from a window is to limit how much of the window is covered by curtains. Decorative panels pulled to the sides, Roman shades pulled to the top and cornice boxes are all great solutions!
Keep Walls Light
Light-colored or white walls may seem boring, but they work wonders for keeping a small space feeling light and large. White walls can help bounce even limited incoming light around the room. Further, painting the ceiling and walls the same color/sheen can help blur hard edges in a small space, helping it feel bigger. Don’t consider white walls a decorative downer; fill your space with colorful accessories to bring in personality and style!
Use Mirrors
Another great way to move more light around a dark room is to use mirrors. In the bedroom above, natural light is only provided by two narrow windows. However, thanks to several mirrors and other shiny surfaces spread around the room, it appears light, bright and airy.
Not only do mirrors reflect all available light, but in turn they look and almost function like additional windows. To amplify the light-producing powers of mirrors, look for ones with metallic frames and additional reflective facets and surfaces to send light in a variety of directions.
Don’t limit yourself to just hanging mirrors on the wall. Incorporating mirrored furniture and accessories like side tables, desks, trays and picture frames can also create a brighter space when natural light is lacking.
Incorporate Metallics
In addition to mirrors, consider including accessories, hardware, wall coverings and textiles with metallic properties. Anything with a shiny texture and reflective nature will, like mirrors, help bounce light around the room to make it feel brighter and larger. Take caution not to use too many metallic surfaces in a single space, though, or you run the risk of your space looking and feeling like a dressing room or fashion runway!
[tweetthis]Use metallics 2 light up ur space! The shiny texture & reflective nature will bounce light around.[/tweetthis]
Use a Variety of Lamps and Light Fixtures
Last but not least, don’t hesitate to add ample lighting to your rental space via lamps and light fixtures. While they won’t look and feel like natural light, when used on tables, floors and ceilings together, they can create a well-lit and comfortable space to be in.
One of the most common mistakes renters make is relying on too few or only one type of lighting source (i.e., table lamps). In addition to using table or task lamps on side tables, be sure to include floor lamps that shine upwards, and if possible, ceiling lights that shine downward. You don’t necessarily need ceiling or attic access to install overhead lights; many fixtures available today can be installed directly to the ceiling and plugged into a nearby outlet!
Get creative ideas for replacing a dull floor lamp here!
Good lighting is often one of the first things many people look for in a potential new home. But if you are just not able to land a rental with all the light you want or need, you do have other options! By maximizing the windows you have, incorporating metallic and mirrored surfaces around your space and using a variety of lamps and light fixtures, you can transform any poorly-lit room into one that is as light and bright as you need it!
Need even more lighting ideas for your rental space? Check out our suggestions here!
Ways to Add More Light to Your Rental
Apartment Living

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