Spring is here! But as the warm weather approaches, so does all the pollen and allergens that can aggravate your sinuses. Its not just outside allergens that can help create a Rudolph nose, but also the inside of your apartment! Here are a few tips that I’ve found helpful to allergy proof your home.
Concentrate on the Bedroom
According to Angel Waldron of the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, you spend about 80 percent of your time in your bedroom so this should be the place you start. Believe it or not, dust mites live in your bed — somewhere around two million of them! They take residence in your pillows, mattresses, bed springs, blankets, and comforters. So do your part in controlling them and it’ll go a long way toward helping your allergies. Be sure to wash your linens in the hot cycle frequently. Another tip is to purchase allergen-proof pillows and bed covers. I had both of them growing up and they helped relieve my symptoms.
Manage the Pet Hair
While I’m an animal lover as much as the next person, there is some pet dander that I just can’t be around-specifically cats! And apparently I’m not alone — according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation, roughly 10 million people are allergic to cat dander. Cats have the most allergens followed by dogs and rodents. So to control your animals’ dander make sure you keep your pet off your furniture, including your bed. Bathing your pet once a week also makes a big difference in cutting down on allergens.
Keep Pollen Out
With the warmer weather coming, people tend to have their windows and back doors open to let in the fresh air. I know I love doing that! But as nice as that breeze is, it’s also bringing the allergens into your apartment. If you don’t want the runny nose, watery eyes, and stuffed up feeling, keep those windows and doors closed — especially when the pollen count is at it’s highest, which is between 5:00-10:00 am.
Get Rid of Mold
The biggest hot spots for mold are the bathroom and closet. The bathroom is one of the wettest places in your apartment. The combination of heat and dampness is optimal for mold growth, so make sure you do your part to prevent it from starting. A few tips to help with bathroom mold is to make sure you circulate the air before and after your shower. Use the fan during the shower and open the door for 5-10 minutes afterwards. Also be sure to stretch the shower curtain after your shower so all the water can drain and the material can dry out. Wash your bathtub, shower door, walls, etc, if you see any mold. Use rubber gloves and a mixture of bleach and water.
Allergy Proof Your Apartment
Apartment Living

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