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Apartment-Friendly Outdoor Holiday Décor

Apartment Living

Do you live in an apartment and are unsure of how you can be fun and festive this holiday season with your limited outdoor space? Well, we’re here to help! We have come up with apartment-friendly outdoor décor ideas that are sure to fill your neighbors with holiday cheer!

Holiday Decor for Apartments

Flameless candles:

These are a simple and cost-effective way to spruce up the outside of your apartment. All you need to do is place a candle on the interior of each window and turn them on at night. The light showing through the windows will be beautiful from the street.



Garland can be used indoors or outside! If you have a balcony or patio at your apartment, you can wrap the garland around the banisters to create a simple, yet festive, look. Add in some lights, colored or white, and you’ll have yourself a masterpiece!



If you don’t have a patio or balcony, you can still use lights as a part of your décor. Try running the lights around the frame of your front door or along the interior of your windows. The lights will still be visible outside and look stunning to passers-by.


Decorate the front door:

You can wrap your front door in a themed, or solid-colored, wrapping paper for a cost-effective and cheerful welcome. Or, you can cut out and tape the components of a snowman, elf, etc., to the door for a little more holiday cheer. If you prefer to keep it traditional, a holiday or seasonal wreath is a nice touch, too!

The holiday season is a time to be festive and cheerful. Decorating your apartment can be a great mood-booster for yourself, and also for your neighbors. We hope that you try out some of our outdoor decorating ideas and let us know how they turn out!