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Apartment Pin-terior Design Challenge

Apartment Living

ForRent.com® Apartment Pin-terior Design Challenge
Congrats to our winners!
1’st Place: Anna – http://bit.ly/1PoLg4t
2’nd Place: Jessica – http://bit.ly/1zB6jz1
3’rd Place: Anthony – http://bit.ly/1EgxzP9
Our apartment, your style
Have you ever dreamed of being an interior designer? Do you have the ultimate taste in design and decor?  Show ForRent.com® your skills and enter the “Apartment Pin-terior Design Challenge!”  It’s simple – we supply the blank InsideView studio apartment template and you pin your favorite decor pieces and show how you would design this studio apartment for a chance to win $1,000 grand prize, $350 runner up and $150 for third! Be sure to RSVP with a link to your board below!
Here’s how to enter:

  1. Get inspired – Take a tour of the blank InsideView studio apartment here: http://bit.ly/1yT3l32 and the ForRent.com Pinterest board here: http://bit.ly/1FctQbqInsideView Apt Layout
  2. Create – Create an “Apartment Pin-terior Design Challenge” board and tag @AptsForRent in each pin description and explain why you love that particular piece
  3. Pin – Pin your favorite decor/furniture that you feel suits the InsideView apartment and shows off your amazing style
  4. RSVP below by adding your Pinterest link

One board per person.
For official rules, click here.