If you are heading to college, you’ve probably heard of the Freshman 15 – a term commonly used to describe the weight gain that many young adults experience as they learn to adjust to the challenges that campus life presents. The good news is that – with a little planning – you can avoid becoming a member of that infamous club! Living away from home presents you with the unique opportunity to hone your cooking skills at an early age and develop good nutrition habits that will help you stay healthy for life!
To help make your transition to campus life easier, we wanted to share a few of our favorite Vegetarian Recipes that you can easily make in your dorm whenever the munchies strike!
The best news?
These recipes are also perfect for apartment dwellers and anyone else who wants to whip up a quick and tasty meal!
Recipe – Twice Baked Southwestern Sweet Potato
[ultimate-recipe id=”68776″ template=”default”]
Remove the Twice Baked Southwestern Sweet Potato from the microwave and enjoy!
Recipe – Flavorful Vegetable Quesadillas
[ultimate-recipe id=”68781″ template=”default”]
Enjoy your Veggie Quesadillas!
A Few Extra Tips
1. Top with Salsa or Pico De Gallo for extra flavor.
2. If you have access to a hot plate, you can toast your quesadillas to make them even more delicious!
For more great ideas about college living, visit the College Life section of the ForRent.Com blog!