When you’re an apartment renter, you’re responsible for keeping the place clean. And of course you know to clean the bathroom and kitchen, but just how often should you clean those rooms? Furthermore, how often should you clean appliances or technology? It can be confounding, but we’ve created this handy guide to make cleaning your apartment easy.
-The Bathroom Sink
“Cleaning the bathroom sink so frequently may sound silly, but when you start wiping it down after every use, you will instantly see what a big difference it makes. Makeup, toothpaste, soap and hard water builds up during the day, making your entire bathroom appear slightly dirty,” says Ashlee Edie, cleaning pro at on-demand home cleaning provider, Handy.
-Stainless Steel
“Be it in your kitchen, your bathroom or your laundry room, chances are every home has some form of stainless steel featuring pretty prominently. Often, these areas get splashed with water or marked with mucky fingers, so they quickly stain, making your appliances look dirty and tired,” says Edie. She recommends an oil-based cleaner to protect the steel from water marks.
-The Remote Control
“It may seem a little pedantic to clean your remote control every day. However, this little piece of technology can be one of the most forgotten-about germ collectors in the house,” says Edie. “I put a very small drop of dish soap on a slightly damp cotton cloth and gently rub the whole controller. If I’ve managed to get dirt between the buttons, I will start by using a dry toothbrush to dislodge the dirt before going over it with the cotton cloth.”
TVs and other electronics can be dust collectors, and you’ll want to clean them daily, suggests Edie.
-The Bathroom
“Cleaning the bathroom should be done once a week at a minimum, so this way you don’t have a buildup of mold, mildew or soap scum you have to get off,” says Diane Regalbuto, cleaning expert and owner of cleaning service Betty Likes to Clean. “With regard to mirrors and bathroom sinks, you can quickly wipe them daily with Windex and paper towel or grab antibacterial wipes.”
It’s probably best to vacuum and Swiffer-mop once a week, with an option to get on your hands and knees once a month for a good scrubbing.
-Knobs and Switches
You’ll also want to wipe down door knobs and light switches weekly. “These are rarely cleaned, but if you consider the amount of people who are touching them on a daily basis, you can see how easily this could spread germs. A quick wipedown with an antibacterial wipe once a week should do the trick,” says Edie.
-Mattresses & Bedding
Regalbuto recommends vacuuming your mattress monthly. She also advises that sheets be cleaned and changed monthly — and after you’ve recovered from an illness.
-Dishwasher & Large Appliances
The dishwasher should be used at least once a month to keep it active, says Regalbuto. To clean your dishwasher, put one cup of vinegar in a jar and run the dishwasher about once a month. The fridge also should be cleaned this often.
-Coffee Pot & Small Appliances
For the coffee pot — whether it’s a French press or Mr. Coffee — fill it with cold water and three tablespoons of apple cider vinegar or regular vinegar, then run it through a few times with plain water to flush out the vinegar, Regalbuto says.
[tweetthis]Cleaning Tip: Flush your coffee pot by running a few cycles with vinegar & water. Fresh brew! [/tweetthis]
-Ceiling Fans
You’ll want to wipe down your ceiling fans four times per year to keep the dust levels down.
-Baseboards and Windowsills
“Baseboards and windowsills, a minimum of four times a year, but we recommend at least once a month. It really depends on how much dust you are willing to live with and if you suffer from allergies,” says Regalbuto.
You might want to consider having your carpets cleaned professionally once a year or every 18 months. Some carpet manufacturing companies will have it in their warranty, says Edie. “Ideally, you should aim to vacuum your carpets twice a week with a quality vacuum cleaner and at a relatively slow pace,” she says. “But vacuuming is often not enough, and your carpet needs to be professionally cleaned.”
-Professional Cleaning
Consider hiring a professional cleaning service on occasion. How often you have professional cleaners over will depend on your budget and other factors (if you have pets, it might be more beneficial to have cleaners over more often), but it can be a good idea to have your apartment professionally cleaned periodically. What should you look for in a cleaning service? A company or individual that’s bonded and insured, according to Heather McLeod, marketing director of cleaning company The Cleaning Authority.
To prepare for the professional cleaners, McLeod advises that you should clear surfaces of any clutter so they can access areas without having to move your items.
Check out this helpful post for more cleaning advice.
Your Complete Apartment Cleaning Guide
Apartment Living

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