Homemade beauty products are increasing in popularity. More and more people are looking to use natural products in place of harsh chemicals, but store-bought organic products can be expensive. The good news is that you can easily make lavender-infused oil at home, which can then be used as the base for a variety of homemade beauty products. All you need to make this delicious-smelling oil is dried lavender (available online or in health food stores), coconut oil, a small pan, a jar and a stovetop!
Add a half-cup of coconut oil into a glass jar with 1 to 2 tablespoons of dried lavender. Place a mason jar lid in the bottom of a small saucepan, and set the jar of oil and herbs on top of the lid. Add water to the pan until it is about half full. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Allow the jar of oil to sit in the simmering water for one to two hours so the lavender can infuse into the oil.
After the oil has infused, remove the jar from the pan. You can strain the oil if you wish, or you can transfer the infused oil and herbs directly into the containers you will use to store it. I have found that glass jars with tight-fitting lids are the best containers for oil-based beauty products.
This oil can be used directly on dry skin or as a base for other homemade beauty products. Mix equal parts infused oil and Epsom salt for a soothing and exfoliating scrub. Melt equal parts of infused oil and beeswax together to make a luxurious lotion for your skin. Add a tablespoon of oil to a cup of hot water, stirring until the oil melts. Work the mixture into your hair for an incredibly moisturizing hair conditioner.
If you keep the infused oil in a cool, dark place, it has a shelf life of about a year. Coconut oil melts at 72 degrees, so if you bring it into a steamy shower, it will turn to its liquid form. The oil will harden again when returned to a lower temp.
Homemade beauty products are fantastic because you know exactly what ingredients you are using on your body. Enjoy your relaxing lavender oil with a spa day in your own home! For more ideas on how to pamper yourself at home, check out these great recipes for avocado hair conditioner and coffee body scrub.
How to Create a Spa Day at Home With Lavender-Infused Oil
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