It’s always a good idea to live a lifestyle that you can afford. After all, if you’re spending more money every day than you’re able to earn, all of that debt is going to catch up with you sooner or later. Still, if you’re living in an absolutely dismal apartment and you’d like to make the move to something better, it’s possible to do so without having to take on a second job. There are plenty of ways to free up your monthly reserve of available cash, and many of them stem from small changes that you could make today. Take your amenities, for example. By cutting back on some of your monthly expenses, you might potentially find yourself with a few hundred extra dollars that could easily go towards securing a better apartment. So in the interest of moving you into a better home, we’ve created a useful infographic to help you find the best possible places where you could trim away some of the financial fat. Hey, just because you’re living a lifestyle that you can afford doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t live someplace nice, right?