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Fire Safety in your Apartment

Apartment Living

“It won’t happen to me.”  That’s most peoples thought when it comes to dangerous situations, including apartment fires.  One thing that you may not realize is that even if you don’t put yourself in danger of starting a fire, it only takes your neighbor to leave one candle burning or curling iron plugged in to set your apartment on fire.
You can’t control others actions, so the best thing to do is to make sure that you are taking all of the necessary precautions to protect yourself and your neighbors.  There are many things that you should ask yourself and be aware of when it comes to fire safety.  For instance, do you have a smoke alarm?  If not, talk to your landlord about installing one immediately.  They are inexpensive and can save your life.  Be sure to change the batteries every season, because although you may think it’s fine, it’s better to be safe than sorry.  Also, become familiar with the fire escape plan designed for your residence.  This way, you aren’t as panicked in the case of an emergency.  Many fire-related deaths are caused by smoke inhalation.  Keep some washcloths next to your bed so that you can dampen it and use it to cover your mouth during a fire.
Being prepared and having a secure safety plan will make you more confident in the chance that a real fire does occur.
Photo Credits: Alyson Hurt