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5 Tips for Keeping a Tidy Fridge

Apartment Living

Get Fresh Fridge
It’s a new year, and that means some of us may or may not have set a few resolutions and goals, right? Today, I thought it would be fun to share five tips for keeping a tidy fridge. I confess, it’s not one of my better qualities — but I do aspire to do better {wink}. My sister, on the other hand, is the queen of a tidy fridge. During some of our recent travels, my sister was house and dog sitting and got a little bored. Guess what she did? Cleaned my refrigerator. What the wha? YEP! I was like, wowzer! I told her she was welcome to do that whenever she liked {hee-hee}.
Keeping a Tidy Fridge Tidy Fridge
So it may or may not be your favorite spot in the house to keep tidy, but these simple tips might just make it that much more doable.
Leftovers: We all have them at some point or another. Be sure to store those leftovers in clear glass or plastic containers so you’re able to take a visual inventory and plan for the week ahead, incorporating the leftovers into the mix. It’s also a good practice not to keep leftovers for more than four or five days.
Declutter: Here is where I find myself guilty every now and again. I just keep adding groceries and the fridge becomes a little cluttered. Try not to overstock your refrigerator. Believe it or not, overly stocked fridges can cause food to spoil faster. Too much clutter can cause warm spots, which then leads to spoilage. Great tip, don’t you think?
Maximize shelf space: There is nothing more beautiful than a well-organized refrigerator, one that consists of designated spots for foods, etc. Tackle this tip by using rectangular or square bins for storage. Designate them for breakfast foods (yogurts and fruits), healthy snacks (cheese sticks, JELL-O), etc.
Keeping a Tidy Fridge Storage Containers on Shelves
Soda drinker? Consider having a soda holder or dispenser to keep them stacked, freeing up additional shelf space.
Keeping a Tidy Fridge soda holder
Door space: Use your door to store condiments so they don’t take up unnecessary shelf space — condiments such as ketchup, mayonnaise, spray butter, sour cream, etc. Consider labeling the door’s shelf space so everything is placed back in its assigned spot. I know, it kind of sounds silly, right? But it works, especially if you have children.
Keeping a Tidy Fridge Storage of Condiments in Side Door
Think easy cleanup: Use drip mats or plastic placemats as shelf liners, keeping cleanup easier. It’s also recommended that you keep meats or other items that might drip on lower shelves to keep the potential cleanup to a minimum.
So what do you think? Definitely doable, right? Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to keep a tidy fridge! This message will not self-destruct because we want it to be a resource to you for years to come. I couldn’t resist! Now, be sure to share your tidy fridge secrets with us here at ForRent.com.