Picture this: You come home from a long day’s work and want nothing more than to climb into your cozy bed for a good night’s rest. You walk into your bedroom and realize that earlier in the morning, you had stripped the bed linens to be washed. Ugh. Now you have to make the bed before you can catch some zzzs. You open the linen closet and find this:
CHAOS! You may start out with good intentions of keeping your bed linens and blankets orderly in the linen closet, but one late-night dig for sheets is enough to wreck any semblance of order. Fortunately, there are some pretty tricks to keeping your linen closet fresh and orderly.
I’m not suggesting you should spend hours ironing and folding all your sheet sets; nobody has time for that, but the truth is that the more neatly you fold your sheets, the less room they take up in your linen closet. Here’s a queen-sized sheet set fresh from the dryer.
Here are those same sheets folded and with the air pressed out of them. They take up less than 25% of the space that the balled-up sheets do. You can see that I left one pillowcase unfolded. Here’s why …
Slip the fitted sheets, flat sheet and any coordinating pillowcases inside the remaining pillowcase. Not only do the sheets take up a fraction of the space, but the entire set is contained right in that one pillowcase. You will no longer have to dig through the entire linen closet looking for the right flat sheet to go with the fitted sheet!
See the difference? Two more handy sheet set tricks:
1) Do you always have trouble figuring out which side of the fitted sheet is the long side when you are making the bed? Buy striped sheets! Then you will always know which way is which.
2) Or just skip buying fitted sheets at all. Martha Stewart herself got so sick of trying to fold those monsters that she now uses flat sheets and makes hospital corners around the mattress instead of a fitted sheet.
Once you have all your sheet sets matched up and corralled inside of pillowcases, you will need a few larger storage bins. Label each bin to identify its contents and sort your sheets accordingly.
Finding bed linens is so much easier in a tidy linen closet. No more frustrated digging at bedtime! Keep up with the rest of the ForRent.com Get Fresh Series on the ForRent blog.
Freshen Up Your Linen Closet
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