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How to Revamp Cork Boards

Apartment Living

When Homes.com and ForRent.com traveled down to Atlanta for the Crafting for Charity project, the team took on several DIY projects with the guidance of design expert Beth Hunter. One of those projects included revamping cork boards to show off the resident photos.
If you’d like to try your hand at re-purposing old cork boards, you can give them new life by painting the cork boards themselves.

Here is the final product:


Want to know how easy this project is? Here is the step-by-step tutorial should you be inspired to tackle this project yourself:

1. Using painter’s tape, tape off the frame of the cork board (so the tape is on the outside of the frame).

2. Select your color (for our cork boards, we selected Glidden Hex Green, Confident Yellow and Pink Moment).

3. Paint the inside of the cork board (the cork itself). If you have a large cork board, use a roller; if you’re painting a smaller cork board, you can use a brush.

4. Do several coats as the cork will absorb the paint. Then let dry for a couple hours.

5. Once dry, remove the tape from the frame and tape on the cork board itself to next revamp the cork board frame.

6. Using a brush, paint the frame a complementary color to other existing frames in the space or to the cork board color itself. Or, if you’d like to repeat the technique Homes.com and ForRent.com did for the dining space, you can rub and buff bronze onto the frame. Simply put the bronze color on a rag and rub onto the frame.

And there you have it! A simple tutorial you can use to revamp any cork board in your home. If you’re feeling creative, you can certainly paint patterns such as checkers or stripes on the cork to give it extra pizzazz. Do you think this is something you can do? Let us know in the comment section below!