No matter how well you plan, things happen and expenses pop up out of the blue. Saving money for emergencies is an important part of a budget plan for apartment living. It can be difficult to set aside some funds, but you’ll want to be sure you are covered and can pay your rent and bills if some unplanned event should occur. Here are some thoughts on setting aside some cash for a rainy day:
- Shop around to get a good interest rate. Interest is money in your pocket so take the time to find the bank that can do the most for you.
- Start a change jar and make deposits when it is filled.
- Include a little savings deposit out of each check. Plan it into your budget.
- You’ve heard it before; pay yourself first. If you automatically deduct money for savings, you won’t miss it as much.
- Put any cash gifts, football pool winnings or bonus checks from work into your savings account.
- Cut back on a service you indulge in and do it yourself. Save the money and put it in your account. Think things like doing your own nails instead of getting a manicure and changing your own oil.