By land or sea, from cities to farmland, travel is one of the most exciting experiences life has to offer. As an apartment resident, you’re already an expert at renting, and as a pet owner, you’re pretty well-versed in four-legged companionship. Why not combine the two and travel with your pet? The steps listed below are guaranteed to make road tripping with Fido a walk in the park.
Step 1: Pick a Place That Meshes Well With Your Pet’s Personality (and Your Personality Too)
When it comes to vacationing, there are people who love the Alps and people who crave the Bahamas. There are people who wish to scuba dive and people who choose never to leave their hotel room. Truth be told, there’s no wrong way to travel, but there is a right way to travel for each individual, and this holds just as true for your pet. Before you break out the luggage, take a minute to consider the things your pet already enjoys. For example, if your pet likes water, consider a pet-friendly beach. If, on the other hand, your pet loves running, a new, exciting city with a stretching bark park could be just the getaway you need. Here are some places you could try:
–New York City: For pets who love to climb into the passenger seat and let the wind ripple through their hair, New York City has a pet-friendly ferry policy. Just be certain you keep your companion on his or her leash for the ride. Looking for pet-friendly transit on your road trip? Check out one of the six cities listed here.
–Panama City, Florida: For pets who love to play in the open waves, you can enjoy a leash-friendly beach that’s situated amidst a myriad of pet-friendly dining options.
–Las Vegas: Do you have a small dog who loves to run and has a passion for the extravagant? Then surround yourself with the bright lights of Las Vegas, home to one of the most popular bark parks in the world.
Step 2: Pack a Habitat
Whether you have a frisky puppy or a shy turtle, bringing his habitat with you when you travel will help him to immediately feel at home. This means a turtle cage, dog bed, tropical tank equipped with a favorite hiding place or any other habitat that applies. Even if the place you’re headed to is packed with places your pet could easily adapt to, nothing says home like, well … your pet’s home.
Step 3: Wine and Dine
Prior to planning your trip, look into available pet-friendly dining that’s local to your destination of choice. Bear in mind that some restaurants only feature seasonal tables for your pets, so be certain that the weather is accommodating.
Step 4: Do Your Research and Pack Accordingly
Depending on where you are traveling to, any or all of the following might be required:
-Identification tags
-Your pet’s microchip registration
-A Certificate of Veterinary Inspection
-An Acclimation Certificate (this is like a pet passport and is required by certain airlines for the purpose of international travel)
Step 5: Reserve Pet-Friendly Accommodations
None of the aforementioned steps will make a difference if you forget to reserve a bed in a pet-friendly hotel. There are plenty of different options in this category. Some hotels have weight and/or breed restrictions, which is why this step is best taken well in advance. While you’re reserving your dream hotel room, remember to alert the staff of any dietary or medical needs your pet may have so they can best prepare for your stay.
Heading to Vegas to check out its awesome bark park? Here are some off-the-Strip activities you might want to test out while you’re there.
How to Travel With Your Pet
Apartment Living

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