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It’s Time to Chat it Up!

Apartment Living

ForRent.com is at it again! We love the tailgating season so much that we want to know what are your favorite go to recipes for a tailgate? Our #TailgateFever campaign runs until the end of the September and one lucky fan will score the ULTIMATE TAILGATING PACKAGE worth over $2,000! We’ve also provided some additional yummy recipes and fun tailgating party ideas in our Free Tailgating Guide…
But wait! There’s more!!

Southern bell, entertaining expert, and tasty book author Courtney Dial Whitmore {insert Oprah Winfrey announcer voice}, yes the very one from Pizzazzerie, will be co-hosting a Twitter chat with us tomorrow Tuesday September 18th at 8pm EST. We are so excited about this! Get your recipe questions ready for Courtney as we will have her all to ourselves and she will be available to answer any recipe/tailgating/entertaining questions you may have! Courtney has provided us with some beautiful (and delicious) blogs such as Gridiron Punch and Touchdown Taco Bites.
So come chat with us and grab some amazing tips that will help get you ahead of the “game” for this exciting tailgating season, as well as the quickly approaching holidays. We will also be giving away some fun prizes to a few lucky guests!
We look forward to chatting with you tomorrow! Make sure you follow us on Twitter @AptsForRent and Courtney @Pizzazzerie and join us on the chat by following hashtag #TailgateFever. A service like Tweetchat or Tweetdeck makes participating in chats easy & fun to follow. Hope to chat with you soon!!!