Even if you love the ease of renting and taking care of a small apartment, many apartment renters face a similar dilemma: a lack of storage. Even if you have a walk-in closet or plenty of cabinet space, chances are high that you have issues organizing your stuff. But that’s where Jodi Holzband, an organization expert for the SpareFoot online marketplace for storage units comes in. She shared her tips and tricks to making the most of the storage space in your home.
1. Purchase Furniture With Multiple PurposesF
Holzband recommends buying a sleeper sofa or storage ottoman. Store extra books, magazines or even cleaning supplies inside the ottoman.
2. Group Items Together
“A pretty box or tray can be used to corral items together and provide a ‘home’ in each room for items you use regularly,” says Holzband. Consider putting all the remote controls in the living room in a bowl or designating one spot to put your mail in. You could even buy a glass tray and top it with perfume bottles for a pretty display in your bedroom.
3. Buy Some Extra Jars for the Kitchen
If you’re lacking in kitchen cabinet space, Holzband suggests placing matching jars on the counter or above the cabinets. Ball jars look great on many kitchen counters and you can choose jars that suit your personality and decor.
4. Make More Space in Your Closet Using Hangers
“Attach a bunch of inexpensive shower curtain rings on a hanger and use those to hang belts, scarves, necklaces or even tank tops,” she says.
[tweetthis]Use inexpensive shower curtain rings on a hanger for a quick accessory #storage solution![/tweetthis]
5. Use Ice Cube Trays to Organize Your Earrings and Necklaces
If all your necklaces and earrings are always jumbled up or getting lost, Holzband has a solution.
“Use ice cube trays to keep pairs of earrings together and avoid necklaces getting tangled together. You can stack these as well and keep them out of sight in a drawer,” she says.
6. Organize Your Pet Supplies
If finding leashes is a problem, consider hanging up your dog’s leashes or other supplies to make it easier to find them.
“If you have a dog, put up hooks by the front door to hang a leash, towels to wipe off muddy paws and poop bags,” she says. “Organize dog toys in a basket next to the dog bed so they aren’t strewn across the floor.”
7. Bathroom Hacks
“Empty glass jam jars and cans can be used in your cupboard to store Q-tips, cotton balls and other small toiletries. Use a fun or pretty mug on your bathroom counter to store makeup brushes or toothbrushes and toothpaste,” she says. Browse through Pinterest to look for creative inspiration.
8. Drawer Hacks
“Keep old shoe boxes to organize drawers — separating underwear and socks is one way these can be used. They’re also great for storing memories like concert tickets and birthday cards,” she says.
9. What to Do With Your Junk Drawer
“An empty egg carton is a great junk drawer organizer — this helps you easily separate paper clips, rubber bands, twist ties,” Holzband says.
For even more storage hacks for apartment renters, check out ForRent.com for storage solutions you’d wish you’d seen sooner.
Nine Storage Hacks for Apartment Renters
Apartment Living

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