One of the best things about apartment living? You live in close proximity to many of your neighbors, and that means you’ll have plenty of chances to meet new people. Starting a conversation with a stranger is tough —but it doesn’t have to be. From tips on making small talk to throwing a neighborhood shindig, check out these nine ways to meet your neighbors.
Download the Nextdoor App
If you don’t have it already, consider downloading the Nextdoor app —a private social network for your neighborhood. It can be an easy way to connect with the people who live around you.
“You can do a quick social media search of the people you meet on the app to see what their interests are. For example, many people post their hobbies on Twitter. You also can look on LinkedIn to see what their professional background is. Once you know a few tidbits about your neighbors, it will be easy to strike up conversations with them about common interests.” suggests Danielle Radin, co-author of a book on networking in the modern world: Become a Networking Ninja.
ForRent also has some handy nextdoor etiquette tips you can follow!
Respect Your Neighbor’s Boundaries
Timing is key when it comes to trying to strike up a conversation or introduce yourself, advises Radin. If the person looks like he or she is in a hurry, it’s probably best to back off. Be mindful of busy times, too.
“Don’t spark up a conversation at dinner time, breakfast time (when they might be going to work) or when the person is getting into a car. The best time to try to make new friends is on the weekends when you know they won’t be busy on their way to work or right after work on the weekdays,” says Radin.
Make Small Talk
“Whether you’re waiting for the elevator or picking up your mail, smile at your new neighbors and say ‘hello.’ Better yet, introduce yourself and say that you recently moved in,” says Ali Wenzke, founder and moving expert of The Art of Happy Moving .“ Ask for neighborhood recommendations (of restaurants, bars, etc) to really get your neighbor talking.”
Start a Clothing or Food Drive
Try setting up a charitable clothing or food drive if you want to meet others.
“Post a flyer by the mail area and say you’re collecting items for those in need. You can either go by people’s apartments to pick up the items or you can have a collection drop-off spot. You’ll help others and you’ll meet some people in the process,” says Wenzke.
Take Your Time
If you’ve just moved in and haven’t met anyone yet, relax. It takes time to know new people.
“Relationships take time to build, so don’t invite the entire apartment building over just yet,” says Wenzke. “Once you’ve made small talk for a while and feel like you have a connection with a neighbor, ask for a coffee shop recommendation and see if your neighbor would like to join you. If the answer is a polite ‘no,’ don’t worry about it. Let some time pass and ask a month later if you still feel like your neighbor has friend potential. If you’re going with some friends to a movie or a concert, ask your neighbor to tag along. She may feel less pressure knowing you’ll be going as a group.”
Tips on Making Small Talk
“When you’re making small talk, keep things light and positive,” says Wenzke. “Avoid complaining and being sarcastic. Talking about the weather with your neighbor is an easy way to get a conversation started. Compliments are good icebreakers, as long as you don’t go overboard. Comment on your neighbor’s nice boots or his adorable dog.”
Have Open Body Language
“The key to meeting new people is to have open and welcoming body language,” says Wenzke. “So, even if you don’t feel comfortable speaking with strangers, your body language can do a lot of the work for you. Make eye contact with your neighbors, keep your arms by your side and smile. With welcoming body language, people will come to you and strike up conversations.”
[tweetthis]It’s Time To Start Making #Friends! Follow These Nine Tips To Help You Meet Your #Neighbors! [/tweetthis]
Tips on Throwing a Party
“If you’d like to throw a big party to meet your neighbors, plan a get together at a local park or BYOB art studio,” says Wenzke. “If you’ve already met some people in your building, invite a few friends over for a themed party like a wine tasting or a board game night. Keep it casual with some simple snacks and enjoy yourself.”
Check out this post for more tips on throwing a party at your apartment’s clubhouse.
Good luck meeting your neighbors and making new friends!