You probably spend a few hours a week cleaning your apartment. Vacuuming, mopping, sweeping, dusting, the list goes on and on and it can be a real drag to complete every task. But that’s where professional house cleaning can help out. You’d hire a pro to come over and clean your apartment as needed. But many apartment renters might feel like they shouldn’t hire a house cleaner when they live in such tiny spaces. Or maybe shouldn’t spend money on cleaning a smaller place. We consulted with Lauren Haynes —a cleaning expert at Star Domestic Cleaners who has eight years of experience as a quality control supervisor in the field of home cleaning and organizing. She gave us the pros and cons of hiring a professional cleaner.
Pro: Saves time and reduces stress
The most obvious benefit? Hiring a professional cleaner can make your life easier. You’ll come home to a clean apartment and not have a ton of cleaning chores on your to-do list.
“Cleaning a property can be really stressful sometimes. Making everything looks good is a tough and exhausting task. Hiring someone to do it for you will definitely reduce the stress and save you time and efforts,” says Haynes.
Pro: Health Benefits
Even if you live in a small one bedroom apartment, it can still get dirty quickly.
“In general, smaller places need less maintenance and cleaning time, but usually, they can turn into a mess a lot quicker than larger properties. A cluttered space is a favorable environment for bacteria to spread, so cleaning such places is a must,” says Haynes.
Pro: Accomplishes better results
Sure, you can head online and see how to effectively clean your apartment. But you’re probably still not going to get results like a pro can.
“If you are lucky enough to find a cleaning expert, you will probably get way better results than cleaning on your own. In most cases, the professional cleaners are better equipped and more experienced than you,” says Haynes.
Pro: Professional materials and equipment
Pro cleaners also have tend to access to the latest cleaning supplies and equipment. The cleaning companies also probably have the budgets to buy the best tools too.
“Most people living in small places, don’t have all the materials and tools, which are needed to keep the place in a pristine condition,” says Haynes. “In case they do, the ones brought by the professionals will just accomplish better results, because the cleaning companies usually invest in the latest and most efficient tools and equipment available on the market.”
Pro: Customizable service
You can hire a pro cleaner as often as you’d like. Perhaps you’d want a deep clean once every six months or even just once a year. If you only hire someone a few times a year, it won’t cost you a ton.
“Luckily, you can discuss your cleaning priorities and the frequency of the service with the cleaner,” say Haynes. “Cleaning services are usually hourly —or room— based, so It will not cost you a lot as you live in a small place.”
[tweetthis]Have you considered hiring a pro to clean your apartment? Check out these pros and cons.[/tweetthis]
Con: The cost
“As every other professional service, the cleaning costs money, which small space inhabitants sometimes can’t afford or are not willing to,” says Haynes. If you don’t have it in your budget for a house cleaner or don’t want to shell out, this might not be a good option for you.
Con: Trust issues
“Having a stranger in your house can feel a little bit strange,” says Haynes. If you’re worried about theft, she suggests asking your friends for cleaner recommendations.
Be sure to check out a company’s online reviews before you hire them. If you simply don’t feel comfortable with a stranger in your home or can’t stand the thought of someone going through your stuff without you there, it might be best to continue cleaning your apartment on your own.
If you have your apartment professionally cleaned, you might have a better chance of getting your security deposit back in full. However, If your property management company doesn’t like the work the company you hired completed, they might take cleaning out of your deposit anyway. It’s best to discuss it with your property manager to ensure that you don’t end up paying twice for the same service.
No matter what you decide, we could all use some guidance when it comes to apartment cleaning. Find solutions with these awesome cleaning hacks or use a basic apartment cleaning guide.
Happy cleaning!
Should You Have Your Apartment Professionally Cleaned?
Apartment Living

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