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Six Ways to Save on Travel

Apartment Living

With the new year upon us, we get to start making lists of places we’d like to visit. In 2014, I was able to travel to Bermuda, St. Maarten and Italy. I traveled stateside to Texas, Atlanta, Salt Lake City and New Jersey. The hubs and I enjoy traveling, and we like to save where we can! Today, I thought I’d share six ways to save on travel. Ready or not, here we go!
1. Save as You Spend
I’m not one to promote the use of credit cards; however, if you are disciplined and can pay the card off each month, consider applying for a credit card with travel awards. For example, we have a card that is affiliated with American Airlines. We buy everything on that card and pay it off each month. We use our points for travel fares. Also, some credit cards offer no foreign transaction fees, and they have better exchange rates than currency exchange kiosks, etc. It’s a win-win!
Also check into whether your credit card covers rental car insurance. When renting a car, these savings can add up quickly.
2. Discounts
a) Buy passes when you can for local transit. Some cities offer 24-hour, three-day, etc., unlimited travel passes.
b) Student cards. Companies like STA Travel offer student ID cards at a discount.
c) Research free admission. Keep an eye out for attractions that offer free admission. For example, Galleria dell’Accademia in Venice offers free admission on the first Sunday of every month during certain months of the year.
Save on Travel Accademia in Florence
3. Travel Dates
a) Travel off-season. Research when the off-season might be and compare the pricing. Of course, you’ll want to keep in mind the weather and other off-season constraints. A good example is our yearly trip to St. Maarten. We usually go in the early off-season; however, one year we went late in the off-season during the busiest hurricane month, and Hurricane Igor was on the coast — let’s just say the hubs did not sleep well for several nights and we swore that we would never wait that late again.
Save on Travel Phillipsburg in St. Maarten
b) Are your travel dates flexible? There are a number of ways to save by having flexible travel dates, so if and when you have the ability to work within a range of dates, it’s more likely you’ll be able to save a little extra cash.
4. Housing
Consider alternative housing. There are so many different ways to find housing outside of hotels these days. Rental homes and apartments are available via airbnb.com, and you can even do home exchanges or house swaps. Avoid chain hotels when possible; they can cost more money, especially when traveling internationally.
5. Packing
Pack light so you only have carry-ons, avoiding the expense of checked baggage. I’m the worst over-packer on the planet. Promise! After our recent trip to Italy, I learned that I could’ve packed half of what I took and saved both money and frustration when traveling by train.
Save on Travel Train Station in Italy
6. Snacks and Meals
a) Pack snacks. I’m a firm believer in taking along some snacks to tuck into my purse. I usually like to take packs of almonds or peanuts. Need to save on space when packing? Head to the grocery store and pick up a few items to have on hand. You can avoid paying premium prices at vending machines and snack shops when you need a quick munchie.
b) Stay at hotels with free breakfast to avoid the expense of an additional meal. You can also consider staying in a hotel or housing that provides a kitchen.
Do you have ways to save when traveling? Be sure to share your tips with us here at ForRent.com