It’s the final weeks of your very last spring semester of college and graduation is right around the corner. You’ve made it! You’ve dedicated yourself and worked hard to get to this point and now it’s time to enjoy it! Well, almost. The light at the end of tunnel is just in sight but you still have a short distance to go. This final stretch will push you to your limits, especially as the days become warmer and the reasons to keep studying seem to dwindle right before your almost post-grad eyes. You suddenly find yourself thinking that you don’t actually need to make flashcards for that Econ final or that maybe you can just write that 25-page Sociology term paper in one night. The very thought of academic work now seems like the biggest struggle you have ever endured. You, my friend, are suffering some senioritis, and it’s very real and very serious! Do not become a victim, because nothing will ruin your summer more than having to retake a class that was basically aced until you decided to, for lack of a better reason, slack off.
Yes, it may seem like a great idea to hit the beach or go to that Spring Fling instead of maintaining your studies, but it’s only your GPA that will suffer. It’s not a myth that companies ask for college transcripts. It’s true. They just might! Prospective hiring managers actually want to see that you did well in the field you studied and that you are motivated and dedicated. Nothing raises more flags then seeing that you just decided to let your academic career go at the end. Is this a trait you could bring into their company? Will you start strong and then slowly taper off like you did in school? Will hiring you prove to be a mistake? Why risk this internal line of questioning when staying focused can avoid all of this.
Now, of course there must be a balance between work and play, so take some breaks and enjoy yourself, but don’t lose sight of what’s important. If the struggle is real, get some friends and form a study group! Everything is more fun when you have few people with you. Order some pizzas and make a night out of it. Setup a series of checks and balances; if you ace your practice exam, take a break and go out for a little bit, then do it again. Suffering from major writers block? Create a timeline and break up each portion day by day so you have time to brainstorm new ideas. Or, if you really need to blow off steam, hit the gym in between your sessions. There are plenty of ways to stay motivated and focused, just get creative! And, if all else fails, just remember you are only a few weeks away from what you have been working so hard to accomplish! Happy graduation!