The key to organization for a great holiday is planning ahead.Whether you plan on inviting people over for an event or you plan on traveling to see others, getting a head start is the key. Holidays are usually filled with chaos and disarray on the highway in and the airports, but yours doesn’t have to be. Following these 3 simple steps will help you organize your holiday:
1. Plan Months Ahead – Somehow the holidays seem to creep up on us, even though they are the same time every year.Funny, isn’t it? However, if you plan months ahead of a holiday you can account for most of the things that may come up to thwart your efforts. One rule of thumb can be to start planning for the next holiday the day after the most recent holiday.You will remember the next holiday on the day of a holiday, so if you start looking on that day or the day after you won’t forget!
2. Designate an Organizer– Everyone has a person in their family who is good at organizing things. Or, if you celebrate with friends, surely you have a friend that is a super organizer. Entrust them with the details for your party plans and get out of the way. Make sure to provide them with everything they will need and also build and encourage them to do a good job.
3. Think outside of the box– It may be visiting a place you have never heard of or eating a non-traditional meal, but doing something most people are not doing can help with organization.
Organization is a process. Don’t get frustrated if you don’t get everything right the first time. Keep working at it until you get into a groove!