When it comes to customizing your new apartment to be both beautiful and comfortable, the most valuable decorative element is lighting. While lightbulbs are fairly straightforward, they’re not all created equal. Understanding what they can offer your upfront costs, electricity bill, and stylistic vibe can revolutionize your living room, hall, and bedrooms.
If you liked certain elements from your old apartment and they’re not transferring over to your new one, or an existing feature requires a specialty bulb you know nothing about, then no problem.
Here is your complete guide to all things lightbulbs for your apartment:
Watts and Lumens
First off, let’s understand the science of light bulbs. Lumens are the amount of light emitting from your bulb, while watts are the amount of power it takes. A normal 100-watt bulb will produce about 1600 lumens, so when considering your options, always check the box to see how much power it’ll take to give you a certain amount of light. The more light for the least energy will always make the bulb itself cost more money, but can save you in the long-run.
LEDs vs. Incandescent Bulbs vs. Fluorescent Bulbs
Incandescent bulbs are the typical ones we see everywhere, depicted above people’s heads when they get great ideas. They’re pear-shaped and heat up a filament until it glows, giving you light, but this also makes them less energy efficient. You’ll find them in short supply these coming years, as the Energy Independence and Security Act passed in 2007 is eliminating them in favor of Fluorescent and LED bulbs. However, they are still in circulation and are perfect for most lamps or ceiling lights.
Fluorescent bulbs are a long white tube, which electrify a mercury vapor in order to produce light. They require a special port and cannot be screwed into lamps as Incandescent ones can; however, they are nicer for the environment. The light they emit is often a very striking white, as you view in stores, so they’re best used for kitchen lights.
LEDs are your Christmas lights and the little bulbs at the end of most flashlights. They work by electrifying semiconductor material which brightens little diodes, giving light without heat. They’re much easier on your energy bill, but are more costly and won’t fit in every style of lamp. Their light comes in a variety of colors, but is often much less bright than Incandescent bulbs, making them ideal for hanging lights.
[tweetthis]Confused about #lightbulbs? #LED? #Lumens? Here’s a quick guide to what you should know.[/tweetthis]
Lightbulbs for Your Chandeliers
Chandeliers can be very picky about their style of bulb —especially an older one, which may already be installed in your apartment. When it comes to replacing the lights, you can find the type you need in most hardware stores. Look for Incandescent bulbs, since these are specifically used for chandeliers and have been made exempt from the Energy Independence and Security Act as a specialty item. While bulbs of every shape will work, so long as they’re the right size for your chandeliers, most hardware stores will carry small “candle shaped” ones for an added aesthetic touch.
Halogen Bulbs
Halogen Bulbs are cone shaped and often used for heating lamps, as they emit a great deal of heat and light, but while using less energy than traditional Incandescent bulbs. These are ideal for desk lamps or specialty hanging lamps, as they provide rooms a great deal of light and are known for their incredible lifespan. However, when it comes to your typical lamp, they are often too big for the shades.
How to Install Dimming Switches
Dimming switches let you control the amount of light being shown from your bulbs by regulating the amount of energy they’re given. Want soft lighting for a nice evening in? Need to brighten the place up quickly in the morning? Dimming switches give you options. However, not every apartment will have dimming switches, so you should speak with your landlord to see if a maintenance team can install one or if you’re allowed to install one yourself. Check out this guide for a quick way to put it in personally, saving time and money.
Now that you have the low-down on bulbs, how much more can you control your lightening? Check out Window Treatments for Wanderers, so your natural lighting is as beautiful as your artificial light.
The Lowdown on Lightbulbs for Your Apartment
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