Moving into a new home represents a new beginning. Homeowners starting this new chapter often choose to bless their new residence. These rituals serve to drive out bad spirits and welcome in positive energy. Join us as we take a look at several housewarming traditions drawn from different cultures around the globe.
Christian homes can be blessed by inviting an ordained priest. The priest will walk from room to room, sprinkling holy water while reciting passages from the gospel. You could also bless your home yourself by praying and marking your windows with anointing oil, which is blessed by a minister.
In Judaism, it is customary for new residents to affix a mezuzah to each doorway in their new homes. The mezuzah contains a Hebrew scriptures from the Torah. As it is being installed, a prayer is spoken.
Bread is a symbolic housewarming gift used in Italian, Jewish, and Russian cultures to mean wishes that the new residents never know hunger. Salt is also a given as a gift to convey that their new lives are full of flavor.
Hindu housewarming tradition includes boiling milk. The milk is supposed to boil over the sides of the pot to signify economic prosperity for the new household. The milk is then offered up to the gods and served to guests with sugar added.
In Thailand, homes are blessed using the Khuan Ban Mai ceremony. This event involves inviting an odd number of monks into the home and performing a blessing with gifts such as flowers, candles, and everyday items like soap and toothbrushes. Each member of the new home receives a holy wrist binding thread from the monks known as a “Sai Seen.”
A tradition that originated in the American South is painting porch ceilings the color “Haint Blue.” It is believed that this particular color wards off restless spirits, also known as “haints,” protecting the homeowner from being taken by them.
Practitioners of the Chinese philosophical system Feng Shui use the process known as space clearing to remove negative energy while making room for positive chi to enter. One space clearing technique is smudging, which involves burning herbs such as sage and sweetgrass to cleanse the energy of a room. Another space clearing method is bell ringing. Tibetan bells are the most popular as their sound loudly resonates. Both the techniques of smudging and bell ringing involve starting at the top left corner of a room, the Wealth and Prosperity area, and moving clockwise throughout the room.
[tweetthis]From bell ringing to holy water, check out these house blessing rituals from around the world.[/tweetthis]
Regardless of the culture and practice, we see moving into a new home as an auspicious celebration inviting good luck and prosperity. If you are a new resident, we wish you and your family much success in your new home. If you’re considering gifts for someone else, check out this list of housewarming gifts people will actually use.
Unique House Blessing Rituals from Around the World
Apartment Living

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