The apartment balcony: Too small to host a party, but too big not to put it to good use. Perhaps you can’t have a huge outdoor fete, but it doesn’t mean you need to declare your space a total waste. In fact, your balcony can do lots of things; from helping you get your drink on, to offsetting your energy use. Here are three nontraditional ways to get the most out of your outdoor spot, no matter how limited your space may be.
Turn It Into a Mini Power Plant
Starting to get excited about solar? You’re not alone. While experts can’t agree exactly how big solar will grow in the next four or five years, all of them acknowledge that residential PV is becoming a reality.
So, where does that leave you if you’re living with a lease and property management? After all, renters can’t exactly have a professional install solar panels on the roof. Just because you live in an apartment doesn’t mean you have to sit back and let homeowners have all the fun!
Portable solar panels, which can usually be bought for less than $200, offer an ideal way to charge your phone, computer, tablet, or even small appliances, all with 100 percent free energy from the sun. Most come with USB connections and outlets so you can plug your devices right in. Talk about making your balcony work for you!
Set Up a Literal Hangout Spot
Hammocks are the most versatile of outdoor furniture: hang them across a diminutive outdoor balcony, and you have a great seating situation in a pinch. They also work great for pint-sized balconies, where a table and chairs simply will not work.
Pair them with string lights, a Bohemian-inspired wicker side table and woven blanket, and you’ll have an envy-worthy spot to kick back, perfectly fit for a party of one. Cheers!
Practice Your Mixology with a Makeshift Outdoor Bar
If your apartment’s as cozy as your balcony, you probably don’t have a lot of extra space to store excess appliances for drink making. Especially since you need a free counter for cooking! Does that mean you should settle for boring cocktails? Not if this murphy bar has anything to say about it!
The cover folds down when it’s time to show off your mixology prowess and, with the addition of a high stool or two, transforms into a great place for sipping your handmade margaritas once you’re done. It’s like you have your own private bar! Balcony achievement unlocked!
[tweetthis]Don’t let that precious balcony space go to waste! Try these 3 quirky ideas instead.[/tweetthis]
Find additional ideas and helpful solutions for any space, or even a brand new place at ForRent. Don’t miss out on having the perfect outdoor space in your living environment.