With the heat of summer rapidly approaching, we’re all going to need surefire ways to keep cool. You may be concerned if your living space doesn’t come equipped with an air conditioning unit, but you shouldn’t be! Window AC units can be just as effective … you just need to know how to use them.
Read on to discover tips on how to stay frosty this summer by making the most of your window unit!
Location, Location, Location
The most important thing when it comes to making the most of your window AC unit is setting it up in the right location. When choosing a window in your living space, you’re going to want to avoid sun-facing windows or placing your unit in direct sunlight. Sunlight usually warms a room by 10 to 20 degrees, making it much harder for your window unit to do its job effectively. Aim for windows facing away from the sun if you want maximum cooling. You’re also going to want to place your window unit in the room you frequent the most. The window unit most likely won’t be able to cool off every room in the house equally, so place it in the room you want cooled the most, like the bedroom or living room.
Lock In the Cold Air
Once you’ve selected your room and window, you’re going to want to maximize the cooling potential as much as possible. To do this, make sure all other windows and doors are closed tightly. This will assist in making sure the cool air does not leak into other rooms and areas of the house. If you really want to go the extra mile, you can place a blanket or towel beneath the door to ensure maximum coolness.
Lose the Heat-Makers
Be wary of certain household appliances that add heat to a room. Things like dishwashers, washers, dryers and ovens can all make your window unit’s job much more difficult than it needs to be. If you have any of these appliances in the room where you’ve set up your window unit, it is highly recommended you not run them while your AC unit is running.
[tweetthis]Consider heat-makers when placing your window unit. Large appliances can add stress to your AC.[/tweetthis]
Add a Fan
To squeeze the very most out of your window unit, add a fan to the mix. Combining the cool airflow of your window unit with an electric fan will make everything so much cooler. This will help save money, too, because the added coolness from the electric fan means you won’t be turning your window unit up so high, saving you big bucks at the end of the day.
Looking for more summer advice about your living space? Then check out these tips on how to brighten up your space for summer!
Cool Off With These Window Unit Tips
Apartment Living

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