Welcome to being a young adult: you have no idea what you’re doing a majority of the time. Lovely, isn’t it? You’re expected to know what you want to do with your life, yet you still depend on your mom to schedule your doctor’s appointments.
Here are some things that every young adult is going through, too. Recognize that you are not the only one who still has nothing figured out. As it was previously stated, you’re probably still depending on your mom to schedule any and every appointment you have. That’s just too much adulting for you.
If you’re still in college, you look around and it feels like literally everyone knows what they’re doing. Yet there you are wondering if you’re even in the right major. It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything is fine.
Internships are apparently really important for your future and you’re still working at the same store in the mall that you worked at in high school. That counts, right? Asking for a friend.
Why is my oil light on? Crap, was I supposed to go get that changed?
You’re wearing the same shirt for a third day in a row. Perfume, perfume, and more perfume.
You're Not Alone: Things Most Young Adults Are Going Through, Too
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