Who ever said light pink was only for a baby girl’s nursery? You definitely won’t be hearing that outdated standard from Pantone, which named Rose Quartz one of the colors of the year for 2016. This peaceful yet fun color has blazed a trail from the nursery and grandma’s china cabinet to common areas of the most fashion-forward living spaces. Here’s a bit of inspiration for incorporating Rose Quartz into your house or apartment.
It’s All About the Accents
Even if it is the color of the year, pink makes such a bold statement that a little bit can go such a long way. There’s a fine line between a tasteful touch of pale pink and making your home look like a wedding boutique that collided with a Precious Moments store. It takes a masterful eye to do pervasive color well, and the look isn’t for everyone. If you want Rose Quartz to be the main feature of the room, go for an accent wall or curtains. Look for small objects that tie the room together, like throw pillows or Rose Quartz mercury glass votives.
Adding Fun to Elegance
Kitchen Couture
Pink kitchens may feel like they belong to a bygone era, but Rose Quartz plays well to a modern look. What’s perfect about this particular color is its softness; pink in a kitchen could easily feel noisy, but this gentle blush has a subtle charm few could find offensive. If your property manager isn’t keen on a colorful backsplash, check out these five ways to color your walls without paint.
Going Vintage
You could easily go modern with this color, but why not try playing to its classic reputation instead? If your style tends to lean toward country chic, Rose Quartz may be a gold mine of creative ideas. Floral prints, frayed fabrics, rustic wood accents (like a door with an old-timey handle) mingle perfectly with this whimsical color.
Literal Rose Quartz Love
Why not pay tribute to the inspiration behind the famous color? Most gems and rocks have a little bit of legend surrounding them. If you’re a believer in the healing power of stones or you simply find the lore intriguing, then you may want to surround yourself with rose quartz — it represents unconditional love of all kinds. Even though it emanates high energy, it’s thought to decrease tensions and soothe the soul.
[tweetthis]Rose quartz represents unconditional love of all kinds. Love this trendy Pantone colored decor![/tweetthis]
Pantone’s other color of the year is Serenity, so feel free to get creative with this soft yet energetic pairing in your home.
Cool Ways to Add Rose Quartz to Your Décor
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