Using salvaged items in your outdoor décor may be easier than you think. Look at salvage or thrown-away items with new eyes after seeing our outdoor décor ideas below. Utilize our tips and tricks to spot potential vintage and salvage items that will turn your outdoor space into something special. You can create an amazing outdoor space with items you can find just about anywhere.
A large stump from your yard can become an outdoor table in minutes. Here we painted a large piece of a tree trunk with paint to use as a table beside a couple of chairs. Get creative with your paint treatment or keep it all one color. If you are lucky enough to come across a tree with a really large diameter, use a shorter piece and turn it into a coffee table for your back deck or patio. Look at those dead trees in a new light!
Old wood can become just about anything for outdoors. Look at scrap wood piles, old pallets and more for inspiration. Piece them together into one-of-a-kind art for your outdoor space. In the image above, we also used an old, rusty milk can to mark the house number. Just paint on a coat to stop the rust, then stencil on your house number.
[tweetthis]Piece scrap wood together into one-of-a-kind art for your outdoor space.[/tweetthis]
You can also piece together old wood for several other purposes outdoors. Join several pieces for a unique tabletop that will serve up food outdoors to all your guests. Pallet pieces can also be used for a unique doormat that is sure to get mud off your boots. Hunt down old pallets and more from the sides of the road or dumpsters. Keep all of those scrap wood pieces from your DIY projects. Gather leftover wood ends from friends and family. Then use your imagination to create furniture and more for your outdoor spaces.
Old crates are the ultimate in salvage finds. They can be stacked into several different configurations for use indoors and out. Here we stacked a few and added a top. This will serve as a table as well as storage. Group them for unique looks, from bookcases to tables to seats and more.
So far, these projects have been fairly simple, but if you are up for a more daunting DIY task, look into metal salvage. If you have welding skills, you can make anything from the metal that’s rusting on the side of the road. Here we used an old hay rake to make a plant hanger for a garden. Use your imagination to come up with new uses for everyday salvage items. If you are headed out to look for vintage finds, be sure to brush up on our vintage and used furniture guide. Before long, you too will be using salvage items in your outdoor décor and loving every minute of it!
Tips for Stunning Salvage Transformations
Home Decor

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