Have you recently moved into a new apartment? Then you’ll want to update your décor a bit to suit your awesome new digs. Lighting plays such an important role in décor, but lighting can also be pretty expensive. It doesn’t have to be, though! Want an easy and cheap way to update your lighting? Upgrade your lampshades with a bit of paint.
This works especially well if you’ve collected a number of lampshades in different shapes and sizes over the years and you’re looking for a way to unify them. Painting all your shades the same, um, shade will definitely do the trick. Now, it’s not as easy as slapping on some paint and calling it a day — but it almost is. Just follow this easy tutorial for chic, streak-free painted lampshades in a snap:
For this project, you will need:
-a lampshade (cloth or paper is fine)
-a paintbrush
-acrylic paint
To start, spread a few sheets of the newspaper on the ground to catch any errant paint drops. Then, using even, vertical strokes, start painting your lampshade. One complete coat here worked for me, but keep in mind that if you’re trying to paint a darker lampshade a lighter color, you might need two coats for complete coverage.
Here’s the secret to getting a streak-free finish on your newly-painted lampshade: Once it dries, you’ll want to put the lampshade on your lamp and then turn the lamp on. By doing so, you’ll be able to spy any spots that need a dab of more paint, since the light from the lamp will shine more brightly through these spots.
Using your brush, dab a little bit of paint on any of the spots where you see the light shining through. Make sure you rotate the lampshade all the way around so you don’t miss any spots on the sides or back of the shade.
And that’s it! You’ve got a whole new lighting look for a couple of bucks and a couple of hours of work, tops. Your apartment has never looked better.
Still searching for ways to spice up your apartment’s lighting? Check out these other creative lighting options featured on the ForRent.com blog.
How have you added cool design details to your apartment’s lighting? Share your ideas with us in the comments below
DIY Project: The Easiest Way to Update Your Lighting

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