A homemade sugar scrub is an easy way to say I love you on Valentine’s Day. This strawberry sugar scrub is a festive red color and so easy to make. Pick up a few ingredients at your local store and make a batch for your loved one. They will love the sweet sentiment and the way their skin feels after using this beauty product!
You will need the following ingredients to make this sugar scrub recipe:
1 cup cane sugar
1 cup freeze-dried strawberries
3/4 cup coconut oil, room temperature
1 Tbsp vanilla extract
Measure one cup of the freeze-dried strawberries. Turn the strawberries into powder using your food processor or crushing with a rolling pin. Add the dust to a medium sized bowl.
Measure and add the cane sugar to your bowl. I love using organic ingredients in beauty products but you can choose any that you can find at your local store.
Add the coconut oil and vanilla extract to your bowl. Remember the coconut oil should be room temperature so that it is a solid.
Mix the contents of your bowl really well with a spoon to combine everything.
This one recipe makes enough for two of these small mason jars. Just spoon the mixture into the container. These jars hold about 8 ounces. You can use any container that you wish to hold your gift.
I thought it would be fun to decorate the lids of the jars as well. I just added some paper to the lid and a felt sticker. You could also add a tag with a name or a love poem. Any touch to show that you love your Valentine is special.
[tweetthis]Tight on funds? Try this handmade, #DIY, three ingredient sugar scrub for your #love! [/tweetthis]
This strawberry sugar scrub is perfect for Valentine’s Day. You can really show someone you care by giving a handmade gift. When that gift is this easy to make, you will be making gifts for everyone you love! Don’t love the idea of the strawberry scent of this sugar scrub recipe? Try one of our other sugar scrub recipes. Whatever scent you choose to make, be sure to add a festive touch to your gift for Valentine’s Day. Your special someone is sure to appreciate the extra effort!
DIY Strawberry Sugar Scrub for Valentine's Day

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