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Using Canva to Make DIY Random Acts of Kindness Cards


If you have ever been the “target” of a random act of kindness, you know how quickly a small unexpected kindness can change your whole attitude. The official Random Act of Kindness Day falls on February 17th, but every date on the calendar is a chance to brighten up the day of someone around you.
The object of Random Acts of Kindness is to be kind to another person, and then to encourage them to pass that kindness on to someone else. The ripple effect can create happier days for countless people. RAOKs are even better if they are anonymous, but how then can you suggest that the kindness be paid forward?
DIY Random Act of Kindness CardsThat’s where Random Act of Kindness Cards come in. You can easily design your own cards using Canva.com, print them out, and use them in conjunction with your acts of kindness.

  1. To make your own cards, visit Canva, and follow these steps.
  2. Under “Marketing Materials,” choose the “Business Card” template. It should open in a new tab.
  3. Select any of Canva’s free templates or design your own card front.
  4. The card should let the recipient know he has received a RAOK, and it should encourage him to pass it on.Step four
  5. Choose to “Add a New Page” if you would like to design a backside to the cards.
  6. Save these images to your computer.
  7. From the main Canva page, click “Use Custom Dimensions” and enter 11 in the width field, 8.5 in the height field, and select “in” from the dropdown menu.
  8. Click “Design!”Step eight
  9. From the “Layouts” tab on the left side of the screen, choose the grid of 16 equal rectangles.
  10. Stretch this layout element to the right until only four rows of three rectangles are visible on the page.
  11. Click the “copy this page” to create a second identical page.
  12. Upload your two ROAK card images to Canva.
  13. Fill all 12 rectangles on the first grid with your front design. Fill all 12 rectangles on the second page with the back design.
  14. Save the design to your computer.
  15. Print the cards out, using a double-sided printing option.
  16. Cut the cards out along the lines.

[tweetthis]Check out these #DIY #ROAK cards! #spreadlove #spreadkindness[/tweetthis]
Once you have your Random Act of Kindness cards printed out, it is time to put them into action. Here are ten easy ways to use your Random Act of Kindness cards:

  1. Bring donuts to work, and leave some cards by the box.
  2. If you walk by a car with an expired parking meter, put a quarter in it. Leave a card under the car’s windshield wiper.
  3. Pay for the person behind you in the drive-thru lane. Ask the cashier to pass the card on to him or her.
  4. Leave anonymous flowers for the receptionist at work. Tuck a card into the bouquet.
  5. Leave a copy of a book you have finished somewhere it will be found. Use the card to mark your favorite chapter
  6. Leave flowers or chocolates on a neighbor’s doorstep along with a card
  7. Leave a small gift card (and the RAOK card) at a gas pump
  8. Leave a stack of quarters (and the card) at the laundromat
  9. Leave change in the vending machine. Tape the card over the slot to insert money
  10. Buy a dozen flowers. Tuck one flower and one card until 12 windshield wipers outside your work or school.

If you’ve been bitten by the creative bug, check out the DIY section of our blog. You’re sure to find something to outfit your space.
Have you ever been the recipient of a random act of kindness? We would love to hear your story, please tell it in the comments!