You can make DIY geometric string art for any room in your home. Give each shape a geometric feel with this super simple technique. If you have a printer and some nails, you too can make this one-of-a-kind art for your home. Pick your shape and get started with the instructions below.
Start with the wood of your choice. I am using some finished pieces from the craft store but rustic scrap cuts of lumber would work as well. You may want to leave your wood raw, but if you want a more finished look, be sure to grab some paint or wood stain for your project. Nails and string are the other supplies required.
Paint or stain your wood. When picking a color, think of where the finished piece will be in your home. A raw wood look will also look amazing in some homes.
Transfer any shape you can print onto your wood by using some tracing paper underneath. If you want to give it a shot, you can also draw or freehand the shape in pencil. Then mark out the areas where your nails will need to be. Be sure to place a nail in each corner or several on rounded edges. If you place a string all the way around the outer edge of your design, you should be able to tell what the shape is. Start pounding in the nails. Be sure to sink each one into the wood uniformly.
Tie your string to the first nail with a double knot.
You can then play around with the placement of the string until you are happy with the results. Bringing the string into the center of the design gives a geometric look to any shape. Be sure to hold the string tight as you wrap it around the nails.
Once you love the result, just tie off the string on the last nail and your project is complete. This one is so easy that your kids can help!
Speaking of kids, try a fun shape and make it more geometric in nature by running your string across the shape in various patterns. This is a fun idea for a kids room or bathroom in your home.
Make some DIY geometric string art for your home in just minutes with the how-to instructions above. Pick any shape you love that will go with your home, and turn it into a geometric masterpiece!
Try Your Hand at Geometric String Art

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