Along with a healthy balanced diet, the right exercises and determination will help you achieve a healthy looking you on the outside and on the inside.
Although it may be obvious that working out to get toned and in shape means added weight, making it difficult to have determination if you feel you can only achieve a healthy body in the gym, it’s completely possible to still have a good workout with limited equipment right in your living room. There are plenty of exercises you can do right in your living room or even your small dorm room or apartment and it’s a free “membership” other than a couple weights and additional exercise equipment that are actually affordable (and not a necessity either). With that being said, try this legs circuit workout and feel the burn! And stay tuned for arm and abs circuit workouts…coming soon!
Always make sure to check with your doctor before starting training and check with a professional trainer to make sure circuit workouts are for you.
26-Minute Workout Legs (with 2 minute breaks between each circuit)
Circuit 1:
Step Ups: Use a step, which can be purchased, or use a sturdy chair – maybe even some nearby stairs. Hold weights in each hand, 8-15 lbs each, and step up onto the step with your right leg first, and step down with your right leg first. Now do the same step motion with your left leg. Repeat 32 times, 16 per leg.
Sumo Squats: Use a weight or kettle bells, or even some schoolbooks!
Standing up, spread your legs apart to slightly over shoulder width. Make sure your toes are pointing forward and slightly out. Holding your weight with both hands in front of you, squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor (keep your back straight) and rise back up to standing position. Repeat 20 times.
Burpees: Use your own body weight!
Standing up straight with feet hip width apart, lower down into a squat position with hands on the ground in front of you. Snap your legs behind you so that you are in a pushup position. Lower your body into a pushup and raise back up, snap your legs back into a squat position and then jump straight up with hands above the head. Soon as you land down, repeat the steps. Do this 10 times.
Not quite at the level to do a pushup? No problem! Snap your legs into pushup position and then snap them back into a squat position, skipping the actual pushup itself. You’ll be able to do them with the pushup soon enough!
Circuit 2:
Jump Rope: Use a jump rope, or you can recreate the jump rope motion without the rope. Jump 125 times.
Walking Lunges: Use weights of some sort. You can use books in each hand or something that has equivalent weight to the other hand’s weight.
Step with your right leg in front (larger than a normal step.) Lower your body so that your front leg forms a 90-degree angle. Your front knee should be over your foot and your back knee should be facing the ground. Your body should be aligned and facing forward. Focus your weight on your front leg as you stand up, bringing the back leg up next to your front leg. Repeat with the other leg. You should be moving forward. Repeat this 32 times, 16 per leg.
Jump Squats: Use your own body weight!
Stand in the same position as you would with the sumo squat. Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the ground, keeping your back straight and then jump up straight into the air, landing back down into the squat position and repeat. Do this 20 times.
Now repeat the entire workout starting with circuit 1. The whole workout shouldn’t take you longer than 26 minutes. Finish your workout with a thorough stretch.
Circuit training like this one is great because it’s a mix of strength training and cardio. If you’re looking to have that slim toned shape, this workout is a great start! Stay tuned for more circuit workouts that you can do right in your apartment or dorm room.
Fitness in Your Apartment: Leg Workout
Fitness and Style

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