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Eat Healthy, With College Money

Food and Entertaining

College is full of studying, going to class, preparing for class, running to campus, and a whole mess of other important responsibilities.  So where do we fit in thinking about food?  Usually it’s fast food, a quick bite, or some frozen Hot Pocket that you don’t even like, all because it’s affordable and fast.  However, there is hope.  There is a way to eat healthy on a college budget, that can also fit into your schedule!
The best way to start is by making a list.  If you know healthy foods you enjoy, write them down!  Keep track of what you need and what you have so you can replace them.  Make sure you’re only buying what you write down on that list.  You don’t want to splurge on something just because it caught your eye in the store.
Clip coupons!  They make those for a reason.  Look through them and see which ones you can use on your next visit.  You will save so much using them!  And buy store brands, you don’t need the name brands, they cost more but taste the same.
Buy in bulk!  Frozen chicken and fish will last awhile so if you like them, buy big bags of them and keep them in your freezer on hand.
Bring bagged lunches when you know you don’t have time to go home, and find quick and easy recipes to prepare ahead of time to cut down on cooking time.  You want to come home and eat, not come home and slave in the kitchen.
Information and images from:  http://www.survivingcollege.com/
How to Eat Healthy on a Budget article