When eating for college students comes to mind, you typically think of two words: Ramen Noodles. I know my freshman year ramen noodles definitely wore out their welcome on my menu. Ramen was probably on my dinner menu at the least of 3 times a week, and we all know how healthy that is… There are some recipes that will make Ramen feel like an actual meal instead of a bad memory of freshman dining.
Have some ramen for breakfast. Yes, I promise it’s actually pretty good because if you think about it it’s all about how you prepare them. They are just noodles after all and shouldn’t be too intimidating.
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See Ramen doesn’t have to be your evil enemy of foods. It can actually be quite delicious. Also if you don’t have any of these things around the house my favorite way of preparing it is cooking it, draining it, adding the season packet, and add some ranch dressing. It makes a creamy pasta in a matter of minutes.
Pictures courtesy of FotoosVanRobin, mehan, and TreasureLA
Info provided by rasmussen