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Mother’s Day Brunch: Who Needs Reservations?

Food and Entertaining

If you’re looking to make reservations for Mother’s Day brunch, you’ve likely learned already that this is a holiday that’s extraordinarily difficult to nail down plans for. Competition for tables at popular local restaurants is fierce, to say the least! And it’s also quite expensive these days to take your entire family out for a meal at a nice establishment.
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However, there’s no need to actually go out in order to make Mom feel special. Why not create a brunch yourself in the comfort of your own home for far less stress — and cash — than it would take for you to do the same at your neighborhood hot spot?
Creating Brunch Is Simple
Brunch is a meal that isn’t very difficult to put together because it’s easy to create from a variety of foods that don’t require a great deal of advance preparation. If you’re handy in the kitchen, great! Put together a breakfast casserole or get yourself to work behind the stove by creating custom omelettes. For the rest of us, however, a trip to the grocery store is all that’s needed to make Mom feel good and enjoy a brunch as special as she is.
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So you aren’t cooking. No problem! Once you arrive at the grocery store, make your first stop at the bakery department, where you can select a variety of baked goods like mini cinnamon rolls, croissants, bagels, scones and anything you know your own mother would personally enjoy. Once you arrange the bakery items on a tiered dish and make sure to include plenty of tempting spreads (jams, spreadable cheeses, butter, honey, etc.), you’ve got the main selection of your brunch all ready to go.
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Take care to include at least one baked item that’s a little bit decadent, such as a delicious gourmet cookie. Macaroons are a great choice and are just the right size to add a teensy bit of sinful goodness to your special meal.
Fruit’s Up
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Brunch would not be brunch without something to balance out all that dough, however! A classic addition to a basic baked-good tray is fruit. It’s easy enough to simply buy whatever delicious berries or fruits you can find in season and place them in pretty bowls, but if you’re feeling creative, make a parfait with yogurt and a sprinkling of granola. Even the most inept cook can create this dish. And the best part? It doesn’t matter if you do it perfectly or not! The glass will still look festively colorful and taste delicious even if you do not manage to layer in symmetry.
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Finally, if your mom is amenable to a little cheer, the finishing touch to your simple at-home brunch is a lovely glass of champagne. Either serve the drink straight up or mix it with orange or peach juice for a breakfast cocktail that’s sure to get everyone feeling extra cheerful. You can also garnish with fresh raspberries, grapes, blueberries or whatever tickles your fancy. Bottoms up!
Now that you have all the elements for a gorgeous — and cost-effective — Mother’s Day brunch, why not invite all the moms in your life to have one extra gift. Let them sleep as late as they want … there’s no need to rush to make your restaurant reservation, after all![tweetthis display_mode=”box”]Quick tips on hosting a fabulous and inexpensive Mother’s Day brunch. #MothersDay #brunch [/tweetthis]
If you’re searching for an inexpensive DIY Mother’s Day Gift, try this unique Gift in a Jar.