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Opening Day Football Parties

Food and Entertaining

Football season is upon us, and once again we will be releasing our aggression by grunting and yelling for our favorite team during the game, and obviously firing up our manly hunger for burgers, hot dogs, wings, chips, and dip. To make your opening day party a success, consider incorporating the following ideas.
Football CookiesInvite your Fantasy Football teammates. If you invite the people you already have a little friendly competition with, it’ll make each play in the game that much more exciting. Your friends can compare the points being added to each individual’s Fantasy Football team, which, of course, will allow for additional trash-talking to take place. I’ve seen firsthand the exhilaration and camaraderie that occurs!
My most highly recommended tip would be to make your party a potluck spread. This will make available a variety of food for everyone, while also not being an extreme burden on the hosting individual.  At the group football parties I attend, each couple brings something different, including appetizers, beverages, snacks, sweets, etc., so there is a full range of goodies. The costs are extremely minimal to each couple as they are only paying for their items which will be complemented by what others bring.
Also, be sure to decorate your apartment accordingly. After all, what better way to get you enthusiastic about the game than by having embellishments all around? Bring out your football memorabilia and sport your team’s logo on your attire. Be ready to represent your team and show your fan devotion.
Above all make sure you and your guests have a good time. It’s a time-honored ritual between football fans so keep the environment fun, friendly and laid back.