Just because you’re going to become or are currently a freshman in college, doesn’t mean you’re inevitably doomed to get the ‘Freshman 15’. If you don’t know what the Freshman 15 is, it is a superstition known as college students gaining 15 pounds by their sophomore year. Most college campuses are filled with different fast food chains and other poor dietary choices, leaving students with limited options to eating healthier. Most students have little time and the money to prepare healthy meals. That is why they resort to grabbing fast and easy junk food on the go. However, don’t get discouraged. There are still plenty of options and solutions for you to live a healthy eating lifestyle!
The dining hall: The dining hall is filled with plenty of different food options. It can be a great place for you or maybe even your greatest weakness. Sure they have some healthy foods for you to choose from, but they also have an abundance of junk food that typically appeals more to the taste buds. But your need steer clear from all the fried and greasy food stations. Walk away from the ice cream machine. If you have student dining hall ID card, enter that place with a clear mind and grab the vegetables, fruit, and/or meat. As for the vegetables, check out the salad bar, but stay away from the creamy dressings and go for a vinaigrette instead. If you’re looking for the fruit, there should be a few fruits at the end of the salad bar, yogurt included. Instead of fried chicken, grab a couple pieces of grilled chicken. All you need is a little self control to pick some healthier options!
Smart Snacking: When we’re consumed in our busy lives, we tend to go for the quickest thing to munch on. Unfortunately, it’s most likely a greasy bag of chips or something else heavy with high cholesterol. Plan ahead and prepare healthy snacks to bring with you to class. Check out these on-the-go meals to get your started!
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@ForRentU”]Just because you’re on a college #budget, doesn’t mean you can’t eat #healthy! [/tweetthis]
Don’t forget your breakfast: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Eating a well-balanced meal in the morning makes you feel rejuvenated and ready to take on the day. However, most students don’t have the luxury to make themselves breakfast every morning because of those early morning classes. In that case you have an early schedule, learn to make easy meals! Make yourself some oatmeal topped with some berries or toast some bread and top it off with delicious peanut butter and honey. Or make yourself a yogurt parfait with low-fat or greek yogurt, granola, and fruit (can be dried). Just because you’re in a hurry doesn’t mean you have to grab the sweetest, high-calorie, thing near you.
Don’t drink your calories: When thirsty, most give in and grab some something filled with sugar, simple fruit juices included. Just because they aren’t dripping with grease or not high in calories, doesn’t mean it’s not fattening. Most drinks are filled with sugar, averaging between 30 – 50 grams. Don’t be fooled by diet drinks either because they aren’t much better than the non-diet. Plus they are made with many harmful chemicals that you are probably unaware of. So next time, check the nutrition label to confirm. Instead, bring a bottle of water or 100% organic juice everywhere you go. This will keep you hydrated without digesting unnecessary sugar and chemicals.
How College Students Can Eat Healthy
Off-Campus Living

Posted: November 13, 2018
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