Whether you have just gotten a new pet or recently moved to a new place, it’s smart to get the apartment set up for your pet. If you have a dog or cat bed, find a spot for it that is out of the way and has no draft. Older pets may appreciate being located in a warmer area. You’ll also want to map out a good spot for food dishes and litter boxes.
Important numbers can go on the refrigerator so they are accessible in case of an emergency. You’ll want to have the following numbers on hand:
- Your veterinarian
- A 24-hour animal hospital in the area
- The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) poison control center hotline: (888) 426-4435
You can also order a free pet safety pack from the ASPCA through their Web site, which includes a magnet and decal that lets rescue workers know that you have a pet in your apartment in case of an emergency.
Remember there may be hidden dangers lurking in new apartments. Cat owners should be wary of poorly secured window screens and any long cords hang from blinds. Dog owners should be especially careful that there is nothing harmful out that their pet could ingest as they put things away after the move. Make sure apartment doors close tightly and easily. Also check any new plants against the ASPCA’s list to be sure they are not poisonous to pets.