Fond du Lac Metropolitan Area
Average Rent
Rent Comparison
-30.7% Lower
than the state average
Rentals Available
104 Thousand
Fond du Lac, WI Metro Cities
The Fond du Lac, WI metro area has a total population of 103,832. Use the map below to explore this metro’s top cities and compare key metrics to find the best place
Fond du Lac, WI Rent Ranges
On average, rent in Fond du Lac Metro Area falls anywhere from < $700/mo on the low end to $1,001 - $1,500/mo at the max. Most rental prices fall within the $700 - $1,000/mo range.
Fond du Lac, WI Average Rent
The average rent in Fond du Lac Metro Area is around $1,050/month. Use the chart below to compare Fond du Lac Metro Area average rent prices over time.
Other Metros
AppletonChicagoDuluthEau ClaireGreen BayJanesville-BeloitLa Crosse-OnalaskaMadisonMilwaukeeMinneapolisOshkosh-NeenahRacineSheboyganWausau
This information is based on data collected by CoStar Group researchers.