Dont come ; they don't care
The apartment is very old.
Security :
The front gate is never fixed so cars and people can come and go
Laundry :
Laundry room is a mess and machine is not maintained, sometimes you need to restart the system to get your card charged to wash your clothes
Loud noise:
the water pipeline is old and whenever your next door use water, it has huge noise there. you cannot control when your neighbors use water, so you will get huge noise through out the day even at midnight which wakes you up when... your next door use water.
The management here said it is because this is old here. Old and aging is the cause not the reason, and they will do nothing here.
If you are bear to the freeway, it would be super loud as well.
People here just smoke as they like , in the patio while walking around the community, even though they said it is non smoking.
Weird smell:
they have a ventilation in the bathroom , it has bad smell, like poo, coming from the ventilation from time to time.
Not to mention , rent is expensive.
Review from Apartments.com
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